Welcome to hell

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Hello there, my name is Thunder, my level of schooling is what a human would consider 'highschool' for us we call 'highschoolers' level 3s, so my level of schooling is level 3, anyways, my element is unknown, no one knows what my element is, neither do I, and no mentor has succeeded in helping me find out what that element just may be. My scale coloring is pure black all throughout. I've no tail spike, and there are some kingdoms that still exist, but not many. Let's get into it shall we? Oop one more thing, before we dive into this chaotic hellhole, don't forget to spread the word of this story, I'd really appreciate it. Here we go, welcome to hell.

I woke up to the stupid sun blaring into my eyes, my tail now covering my eyes. "Ugh, another day of this putrid existence I call life, I wish the world would just end already... oh well." I said to myself, I'm always late for my schooling, but I don't care anymore, there's really no point, my wings hardly work right, I don't have an element, I've literally nothing. There's only one reason to really bother getting up each morning... her. I quickly shook my head. How peculiar, whatever, I just ignore the feeling and it'll go away, it always does, I don't know what it is, or what it means, but honestly, I couldn't care less.

I thought to myself as I got ready and headed off to the big school area. I never bother to take the time to groom myself because there's really no point in doing so. "What a bother..." I sighed to myself as I began to enter the school area, "huh, I'm not late for once, meh." I said to myself. One problem with this place is... "Oh hey Thunder! You're not late for once!" A female sounding dragon said. "What do you want Ella?" I said, sounding annoyed. "I just wanted to say hi, why do you always have to be so..... rude?" She asked. "Just leave me alone." I said trying to intimidate her so she'd go away. "You don't scare me, we all know you don't have an element." She said.

"I still have my claws to make you go away." I said. "You'd get in trouble for that." She told me. "Do I look like I care?" I said holding out my claw threateningly. "Fine, I'll leave you alone for now." She said. "Such a bother." I said under my breath as I walked off. I made it to my first class, flight training. The instructor always gets so mad at me for not participating, thing is I don't know what it is but for some reason, my wings don't exactly... work... but I don't let anyone know that. I don't know how much longer I can keep that a secret. *sigh* "let's get this over with." I said to myself as I entered the area the class exists in.

Because of the way I am, people usually stay away from me, which for me, is good, because I don't really want to deal with others. Except that one person can't seem to take a hint. This class doesn't usually last that long since there is only so much one can learn about flight, except I've been in this class longer than anyone because I don't bother since my wings don't work right. The bad part of this is I am beginning to get sick and tired of this that I'm about to tell 'em my little secret. Why do I even feel the need to hide it in the first place? I asked myself. Usually I just lay against the rock wall in the shade. Yes, the building isn't exactly made of concrete...

It was actually built by earth dragons years ago, they, with the help of a couple other dragons, built up the school, as a matter of fact it's because of a multitude of elementals that the caves that we use as our homes are built up like they are, almost the same way as a house. Lightning dragons also went extinct a millennia ago, as well as a few other elemental dragons, the original elementals, they had the elements that no longer exist, this history has been passed through generations, my question is if it was so long ago then what's the point in having to learn about this ancient history, it's not as if it's still relevant today, even if it's even true in the first place.

Though it's taught, and said to have been passed down, I don't believe it's actually true, how can we believe that some person didn't just make it up a long time ago, and that this belief didn't simply spread? Especially when there is absolutely no evidence today that these events, or elements existed so long ago. To me, it's all lies.

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