True Love

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She seemed to keep an eye on me whenever she had spare time for the rest of the 'school' day. She even asked if she could stay at my place so she could keep an eye on me and ensure I was alright, I allowed it, only because she seemed very worried or concerned for me. However, of course I only let her stay in the guest room. Though I'm pretty sure she'd check on me every so often, except I woke up in the middle of the night. I was numb all over my body and couldn't move either, so I lay in my bed, my thoughts distracting me from sleep. She seems to really care about me, and I mean more than she does either. Yeah, no, I doubt it.

Why am I thinking about this anyways? It's not like I'm in love with her or anything. Regardless that's irrelevant to my current situation, I don't believe her on what she said. I thought to myself. She was golden with white accents and she has a horn or two here and there, she, like me, doesn't have have any tail spike. She's also a fire dragon who, as shown, cares a great deal for her friends. I finally fell back to sleep. I had the strangest dream where I was running through a storm, lighting striking everywhere except the spot I was in. Then the dream changed, it looked like what probably was the original elementals fighting something.

They all suddenly vanished and the only one I saw was the one with the lightning element. That was when I woke up, I went to the entrance of the cave I live in and saw that it was morning.  "Suppose I should wake her up" I said to myself. "Beautiful isn't it?" Jade asked. I turned my head and looked at her, nevermind. I thought to myself. She looked at me with such a warm smile I couldn't help but smile. Then I turned my head back to the entrance to watch the sunrise. When I was finished I turned to look at her again. Except she was so close she startled me and I ended up jumping back a little bit then tripping and landing onto my back, she simply giggled and walked up to me.

"You start-" I said before getting cut off by her saying "shhh, don't speak, just enjoy the moment." "What mome---" I got cut off again by her pressing her lips against mine as she brought me into a kiss. I near instantaneously kissed back, enjoying the moment, enjoying  the warm feeling I'm recieving in my heart, enjoying the kiss. She broke the kiss, my eyes were half open. "I love you, Thunder, I have for as long as I can remember." She said softly. "I've loved you too, however I wouldn't accept it or allow myself to realize that I did, until now." I responded. She kissed me again. I enjoyed being close to her like this, I don't want this new bond to ever break. I thought.

After she broke the kiss she lied down next to me and lied her head on my chest. I wrapped my front paw over the back of her neck as I looked at her. "My heart aches for you when I see you sad all the time, so please, smile for once, I like it better when you're happy." She said. "I promise I'll be happier, much happier from this point on." I told her. "Good." She said softly before kind of kissing and nibbling at my neck. "Stop that tickles!" I said chuckling. "You think this tickles, wait till I find your sensitive spot." She giggled. I was squirming as it tickled quite a bit. But I was letting her overpower me.

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