A new 'friend'

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The next day

The best part of this is I heard that the first day of this school's year actually starts tomorrow, unlike this one, at least that gives us plenty time to get there and get situated, which now that I think about it, I think that's why he came to me yesterday with this. I live by myself, I have for the longest time. Now that I think of it, who even enrolled me to the school I was going to before I got invited to this one? I thought to myself. The one I was going to is one that only extremely talented people go to, it's one way for the higher-ups to sort of, choose the next zone guardian. Then when I realized that I realized just why that guardian came to me. Well, I won't be playing his little game.

I will be what I want to be, there are no strings tied to me, and if they try to force me, well, their little training will become their downfall. I thought to myself. I have time to get to the center of the zone. "Hey Thunder my parents allowed me to go, so let's get going or we won't make it by noon tomorrow." Jade said.

See, the part of the zone we live in is in the outskirts of the zone, so it would take us about 24 hours of walking, it would be less by flight, and she doesn't want to fly ahead because she knows I can't so she'd rather walk with me than leave me behind. "Curse these stupid wings... if only I could fly." I said. "Hey it's not a problem really." She said happily, leaning into me.

The next morning.

"Welp, we're almost there." I said. We walked all day yesterday and all night last night, so of course we're tired and worn, but that isn't stopping us. "Yeah, but as I said, at least we had more time to spend together." She replied.

One hour later

When I saw the golden gates I was about ready to cry as this meant I was going to be off my paws soon. "Yes, finally we're here. After a whole day and night of walking." I said. "I know how you feel." Jade responded. There were a few other dragons outside. I could hear whispers around me, I'd go crazy if I had paranoia, but I don't. Someone came up to me and greeted me. "Hello there, my name is Kai! Nice to meet people!" He said. "I know how you usually are, but since you're here you might as well try to make friends instead of trying to push everyone away." Jade said to me. "Hello." I said casually after hearing what she said. "The name's Thunder.

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I said. Ugh I almost want to puke at this. I thought to myself. "Are you new here as well? I am too, what's your element?" He asked. "I have none, so I thought, till the other day." I said. "Uh, it might be a good idea to keep the rest on the down low." Jade said. "Hello to you too, as fun it is to meet someone new, it's just as well to meet such a cute dragoness. What's your name." Kai asked her. "Hello, I'm Jade. Nice to meet you." Jade answered. "I'd suggest you back off from her." I warned, baring my teeth. "Woah it was only a compliment, no need to get feisty." Kai said, "I wanna make friends not enemies."

"So I guess that means we're friends?" I said. "Yup. Well see ya!" He said and then left us. I collapsed, "damn I wanted to bite his head off so to speak., that was difficult, I could barely stand not telling him to leave me the hell alone, what's worse is we're 'friends' now." I said. "Well it's not the end of the world if you have more friends than just me." Jade said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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