It can't be real.

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"This is the last straw Thunder, it's time you do as your told, you don't have a choice anymore." The instructor said. "As I've always said to you, I can't." I told her. "Yet you never say why you can't. Either give a real reason or do what you're told. "Fine..." I said, I explained about my wings. "Why didn't you mention this to the ones who enrolled your here, much less me?" She asked. "Because I didn't want to bother wasting my time and energy." I said, "and the current so-called guardians honestly don't care what happens to us." "Oh really, they are the descendants of the original elementals, why wouldn't they?" The instructor asked.

"Oh yeah, the line of dragons that most likely never actually existed, or aren't of any relevance to today, so they were the first elemental beings, so what? Most of those elements have gone exstinct, besides, it's not like they've ever done anything significant in their legends, or rather, fake legends." I said. "Believe what you will." She said, obviously annoyed, "I suppose I might as well suggest removing you from this class since you've the inability to take it." After a while the Instructor looked up towards the sky and then signified the end of class, the next one was just the stupid ancient history, and then there was break, where most of us went outside, some of us would find small fruits or big fruits growing on trees.

Some that had a more....predatory diet would hunt for fish in the small pond, and others such as I didn't eat anything at this time. Then again the only time I do eat is in the morning. I thought. So instead I just go into the woods to sort of 'fade out of reality' as one would say. Except, at the very center of this clearing that's right by a waterfall. I suddenly couldn't move, as if I were frozen where I was. Then the plantlife around me started glowing, and then suddenly a lightning bolt struck the ground real close to me and started a fire. Big dark grey clouds formed like a swirling pattern above my head as I felt a strong gust of wind.

The hell? It's as if I'm standing in the middle of all the basic elements at once right now, and it's awesome as hell, the part where I can't move is kind of scary though. I thought to my self. In an instant I was struck by multiple bolts of lightning. I screamed in pain and then passed out. When I came to I found myself in the 'infirmary'. I started to get up but I felt a sharp pain throughout my body that forced me back down. "Ow." I grunted. I started to recall what'd happened to me, "I was hit by multiple lightning bolts." I said to myself. I then checked my back for burn marks and then I rolled onto my back to check my undersides properly.

Then I got into a comfortable position. No burn marks? How is this possible? I asked myself. "How peculiar." I said to myself. "Oh you're awake." A familiar voice said, "I was worried about you when I found you unconscious." I looked over and saw her. "Hello Jade..." I said. "So I hate to ask this seeing as you just regained consciousness, but uh, what happened to you?" She asked. See, me and her sort of had a history at first I wasn't exactly...friendly towards her, I was actually kind of mean, after some time we became friends and we put it behind us and now we're great friends. She was also the only one that even knew about the problem with my wings as she was the only one I told  about it to.

"Well..." I paused as I recalled what happened. I proceeded to explain in exact detail what happened. "I know you think the thing about the ancients is fake, but given what you told me...  I don't think you have a choice but to believe it. Not at this point." She said. "What happened doesn't mean anything." I said in protest. "You've no burn marks right? And the way what'd happen. I feel like it not only was the world's way of forcing an element onto you, while, at the same time, creating a new element. I have a feeling you are a lightning dragon, the first one in millennia." She said. I should've taken it to heart, I should've believed her, but given my stubborn nature, I didn't.

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