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Mark stood in a dark room, unaware of his surroundings. He hesitantly took a step forward, trying to feel his way around. He bumped into a cart of some sort, causing him to jerk back from the sudden noise. He could hear the cart roll away in the distance, soon clashing into a wall.

Mark turned around and felt a light switch. He turned it on and a single light lit the center of the room, shining down on a medical bed.

"...Haechan?" Mark called. He was sitting on the bed, facing down at the floor. Mark shook his arm. "Are you ok?"

Haechan suddenly fell back on the bed, his patient gown covered with blood. Mark started to freak out in confusion.

"Haechan?! Haechan wake up!!" He shouted. He pulled back his gown to reveal the bloody wound. What he saw made him freeze in terror. There was a giant hole in his chest, and his heart was gone. Mark slowly backed away from him, shaking uncontrollably.

To Mark's surprise, his dead lover sat back up and stared at him in anger. Haechan clenched his hospital gown and screamed at him. "This is your fault!" He pointed at Mark. "You killed me!!"

"N-No, I-"



Mark woke up in cold sweat and to the sound of Johnny making breakfast. He was wearing his work clothes. Mark sat up on his sofa bed, holding his hand to his chest. His heart was beating fast. He took deep breaths, trying to calm down.

Johnny put two plates down on the island before noticing Mark was awake. He gave his friend a soft smile. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Mark just looked at him tiredly and rubbed his eyes. He had a hard time sleeping last night, and he didn't want to talk about the nightmare he just had.

Johnny just nodded, not wanting to push Mark to speak. He slid a plate to the opposite side of the island. "Here's your breakfast."

Mark dragged himself to the table and sat down. He stared down at his food. He didn't feel like eating, he felt like throwing up.

Johnny got up and filled a glass with water. "Please eat Mark." He placed the glass in front of him and handed him a single pill. "And you have to take this too." Mark gazed at the pill in his hand. He ignored it and placed it on the edge of his plate.

Soon after Johnny finished his food and began to wash his plate. After, he grabbed his keys and stood right in front of his friend.

Mark looked at the time on his phone. "Aren't you going to be late for work?"

"Yes, but I want to see you take at least one bite. And swallow your pill." Johnny explained, resting against the island.

Mark looked down at his full plate. He hasn't taken a single bite, and instead just moved his food around. He looked at Johnny's encouraging smile, and took a bite for him. He then placed the pill on his tongue and took it down with water.

Johnny smiled brightly at his friend and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, now promise me you'll eat more when I'm gone." The other just nodded. "I'll be back in the afternoon. I'll be calling to check up on you." Johnny waved goodbye and left.

Mark sighed. Johnny was so kind. He had so much patience. He cared for him, and he didn't understand why. He was only a burden to him. Johnny could kick him out at this very moment, and Mark wouldn't even feel hurt. He felt that Johnny was better off without him. He was such a baby, not being able to do anything by himself. He needed Johnny to make him keep going. He didn't have the strength to do so on his own. He was such a horrible, selfish person, but Johnny still chose to help. But why?

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