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The microwave beeped repeatedly and echoed throughout the kitchen. As Haechan opened its door the smell of popcorn filled the room. He held the popcorn bag carefully, making sure not to burn himself. He poured the snack into another container and brought it over to the living room.

"Did you pick something to watch?" Haechan asked as he plopped down on the couch.

Mark scrolled through the Netflix recommendations, uninterested in each one he passed. "No, none of them sound good."

Haechan put some of the popcorn in his mouth and chewed loudly. Mark turned his head to him, and opened his mouth. Haechan threw a few into Mark's mouth, but a few of them hit his cheeks instead. "Do you want to rewatch something?" Haechan asked, picking the popcorn off of Mark's shirt.

Mark smirks at the question and starts typing something in the search bar. "Well..."

Haechan squints at the screen and tries to guess what his Fiancé was typing. Mark only typed in the word "full", but he knew exactly what he was searching for.

"Fullmetal Alchemist? Again?" He whines.

"You said we can rewatch something!" Mark laughed.

"Yeah, but we've rewatched this at least three times already!"

"It's really good!" Mark defended. He continued to type the name in and press play. Haechan rested his head on the other's shoulder, and allowed him to watch one of his favorite animes. As long as Mark was happy, he was happy too.

The both of them watch Netflix late into the night. Around 7 episodes in, Haechan falls asleep. Mark plays with the younger's hair as he focuses on the show. After 10 episodes, he gets a little tired. He turns off the tv and gets comfortable on the couch. He kisses his love goodnight.


The sun slowly starts to rise on the upcoming lazy day. It peeks out above the horizon, letting it's light shine past the trees of the neighborhood. It stretches past the windows of the house, making its way onto Mark's face.

His eyes fluttered open, then quickly squinted. Mark turned away from the sun and exhaled drowsily. He nudged himself back into the couch pillow, and tried to fall back asleep.

His body wouldn't allow it sadly. He felt a bit off, stiff almost. He looked down and was met with the top of Haechan's head, resting on his chest. He smiled down at him stupidly, realizing that his pain and stiffness was coming from the fact that he was on top of him, still fast asleep. Mark slowly moved to the side, allowing his fiancé's head to rest on the couch instead of him. He sat up and untangled their feet, freeing himself from the couch. He walked down the hall to use the bathroom.

As Mark washed his hands, he stood in front of the mirror and examined his face. Though Haechan wasn't on top of him anymore, his chest still felt weird. Come to think of it, its been feeling off for almost a week now, coming and going. But this time, it felt worse than usual, and seemed like it wouldn't leave. He looked just fine in the mirror, but on the inside he knew something was wrong. Be bent down to the sink and splashed water on his face to wake up.

Mark made his way to the kitchen quietly, making sure not to wake Haechan. He rummaged through the medicine drawer, and retrieved Advil to help relieve his pain.

After taking one pill with water, Mark sat down by the kitchen island. He rested his head and used his arms to block out any light. He tried to distract himself by thinking about his future with Haechan. The got engaged just last week, and the both of them were so excited to start planning their wedding and finally get married after 6 years of being together.

Hold My Heart ♡ | NCT MarkhyuckTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon