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Haechan stood alone in a long, empty hallway. The walls were an off-white color, and the ceiling lights weren't bright. He paced down the hall slowly, looking at the many doors he passed.

"Mark? Are you here?" He called. No answer.

He turned to a door and tried to open it. No luck, it was locked. He tries the other one right across from him.

"Haechan!" A voice suddenly called.

"Mark?! Mark!!" Haechan frantically turned to the direction of his calls. He started to run toward it. "Mark! Where are you?!"

The longer Mark kept on calling, the faster Haechan ran. He began to feel afraid, worried that he wouldn't make it on time. His footsteps pounded the ground. The hallway looked like it had no end.

The lights began to dim. Haechan tripped over himself and fell to the ground. He looked down the endless hallway he was trapped in, listening to Mark's calls fade just like the lights. Soon enough, only darkness existed.

A silence passed.

Haechan didn't feel like he was on the ground anymore. He didn't even feel like he was there. He was gone. Only darkness was there. Just darkness.

A loud buzzing went off. It wasn't just any buzz, it sounded like a flatline.

Mark's flatline.


Haechan jolted up from his bed. He held his chest and wiped the sweat from his head. His heartbeat was rapid, and he couldn't stop hyperventilating. He hopped out of bed and ran to the toilet. He was about to throw up.

He left the bathroom shortly after he only dry heaved. He walked back to his bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

The whole house felt empty without him. Mark has been in the hospital for almost a week now, and Haechan couldn't help but worry about him 24/7. He turned to Mark's side of the bed, and grabbed his pillow. He held it close to him, taking in its smell. His tears slowly dampened it.

After reflecting on the situation, he got up and got ready for the day. He was going to meet Mark at the hospital. This would be his second time visiting. He would've stopped by everyday, but he kept getting turned down due to Mark's poor condition. The thought of him being unwell made Haechan want to cry.

He splashed water on his face in the bathroom, and smiled. He didn't want to look sad or in pain in front of Mark. He wanted to make him forget about his situation for just a moment, so he can smile again. He wanted to be there for Mark and help him look at the bright side of things. Haechan changed his clothes, put on his ring, and left the house.


"Haechan? Come this way please."

He stood up and followed the nurse down the oddly familiar hallway. It looked like the one he had seen in his nightmare. He got a shiver down his spine.

The nurse had led him into a room. Before he entered, he took a deep breath and put a smile on his face, pushing his negative thoughts aside.

Mark looked weak and fragile. He sat up on his hospital bed, looking at Haechan with a smile. He had tubes in his arms and nose. He reached his hands out to hug him.

Haechan walked to the side of the bed briskly, and hugged him gently. He could feel the bandages wrapped around his chest through his hospital gown.

Haechan pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down. "How are you? Do you feel ok?" He squeezed Mark's hand and rubbed it with his thumb.

"Yes, I feel fine." His voice sounded scratchy and sick. Haechan frowned at him. He definitely didn't believe it. "Hey, you don't need to worry. I'll be ok." Haechan looked up at Mark and nodded. Mark twisted the ring on Haechan's finger. "How have you been doing?"

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