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Just a little doodle I did. 

I ship it okay?

Ft. SETR(Second East Turkistan Republic- When it FIRST got organized, that's why he looked beano and the flag is different ) and Taiwan(... when J.E occupied it) and abit of Soviet

Soviet being a good "babysitter" for SETR

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Soviet being a good "babysitter" for SETR


-They let Soviet Union mine in their Altay mountains and because of them Soviet has made its first own tank

-They wanted to be in the Soviet Union, but USA, Britain, Soviet and China signed a contract that made SETR stay with China for 70 more years. (ITS PASSED 70 YEARS SO- CURSE YOU CHINA FOR BREAKING IT!)

-It's a short lived Soviet Backed Republic :D

Take this >:D 💖💞💓👌🥳💝🥰💖

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