Getting settled

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Are you fucking kidding me, this is who I will be living with, he's fucking gorgeous and the way he is looking at me, I already know he likes what he sees, well I was wrong to think this was going to be boring. "Hi, its nice to meet you Jin, thank you for letting me hang out this summer, I look forward to learning about everything you do here", I say shaking his hand and not letting go. "Its nice to meet you too, you guys come in,  lunch is ready", Jin says not taking his eyes off Jungkook. We all grabbed bags and went into the house, "Yoongi you are sharing with me", Jin said. Ill share with you, I thought to myself, I stared at Jin's ass as we walked up stairs, damn, Jin opened a door and said, "Jungkook, this is your room, that room is Uncle Joon's", he said pointing to the door down at the end of the hall, "this is my room", he says pointing to the room next to mine, great right next to me. "Tae, you are in that room", Jin says pointing to the last door, "and that's the bathroom."


Why am I so nervous, I am never nervous, especially around new people. Is it because I know he's dangerous, is it because he's fucking hot, or is it because he is staring at me like I am a whole meal. He's making me sweat, I try to busy myself so that I wont look at him, I bring all the food to the table. "Do you need help Jin", Jungkook asks in a voice made for the movies. I stood there looking at him with my mouth open, "JIN", Yoongi says poking me. "Oh sorry, no I am okay, thank you though", I ramble. We sat quietly and ate, every time I looked at Jungkook, he was looking at me, one time even winked and I dropped my fork scaring everyone. "You ok Jinnie", Tae asked. "Yea, just slipped out of my hand, ummm Jungkook if you feel up to it I can take you shopping for the stuff you will need, I know you didn't bring anything with you", I say nervously. "Id appreciate that Jin, thank you", Jungkook says smirking. "Ill go to", Tae said looking between Jungkook and I. I rolled my eyes and I heard Jungkook chuckle. 


Great, I finally have a chance to be alone with Jin and the nosey detective has to tag along. "You guys have fun, I am going to take a nap", Yoongi yawns. Jin stood up and kissed the top of his head, "you do that, I know you need sleep, want me to wake you for dinner", Jin asks. "No, Ill eat when I get up", Yoongi says taking his plate to the sink, "lunch was amazing Jinnie, as usual", Yoongi says kissing Jin's forehead and then walked up stairs. After Jin and I did the dishes we left to go to the mall, the three of us walked around, and I tried everything to get Detective Kim to go away, but he wasn't budging. "I have to use the bathroom, Ill be right back", Jin says. We stood outside waiting for him when two girls came over to us, chatting us up, flirting with us shamelessly, I have to laugh at chicks like this. I let her think I was interested, Detective Kim on the other hand was really into the girl who approached him, I saw Jin walk out and look at me, hurt flashed across his face, then his face went blank. "Oh sorry honey, my boyfriend is back I have to go, Hi baby", I say wrapping my arm around Jin's waist and kissing his temple. He stiffened in my hold, and I squeezed his waist making him yelp. "Oh, I am sorry I didn't realize, you two make such a gorgeous couple", she says bowing and walks away grabbing her friend. "Boyfriend, really", Jin says. "Sorry, spur of the moment decision", I laugh, "what's wrong with being my boyfriend." Jin smiled and blushed a little, "nothing, glad I could help you get away from the scary girl." He walked away and I stared at his ass, damn that's nice, I thought. We  spent quite a bit of money on clothes, shoes,  and toiletries, but Detective Kim said it was on the them, so I took advantage. 


By the time we were done shopping it was already late, so we picked up some pizza's and took them home, Yoongi was still sleeping and Uncle was getting ready to go out with his girlfriend, so the three of us watched movies and ate pizza, Taehyung fell asleep on the recliner while Jungkook and I sat on the couch. "Want to watch another movie", I asked Jungkook. "I want to talk and find out more about Seokjin, can we", he asks. "Quid pro Quo, Mr. Lecter", I say with an evil grin. "Ah, okay I'm down with that, you go first", Jungkook says. 

(Bold is JK, italicize is Jin)

"How old are you?" "24"

"How old are you?" "22"

"Why are you in the Mob?" "Wow, right out of the shoot huh, I was part of a small gang in Korea, my boss owed some people a lot of money and when he couldn't pay, he sold me to the "Outfit", bringing me to Chicago." 

"Do you like Taehyung more than a friend?" "No"

"How many people have you killed?" "About 12"

"Do you like guys or girls?" "Guys, but wouldn't turn down a girl if I find her nice"

"Do you like guys or Girls?" "Guys, but I have slept with a lot of girls"

"Have you ever had a one stand or ghosted anyone?" "No, I am a virgin, I have only talked to a handful of people but I didn't connect with them"

"You say you have been with a lot of females, how many sexual partners have you had?" "Oh Jin, why ask that, you wont be happy with the answer"

"Fine, go ahead then", I say kind of disgusted. 

Jungkook sighed, "What do you want to do after graduation?" "I am studying to be teacher, I love kids and want to educate them" Jungkook smiled at that.

"Will you ever leave the mob?" "I want to, and I want to be an artist and settle down and have children" "Well, I hope you do, it isn't safe", I said.

"What do you look for in person you want to be with?" "Unconditional love, trust, honesty, and a sense of humor"

I dont have any more questions right now, but hopefully if any arise you wont mind me asking", I say. "Not at all", he says. "Lets watch another movie", I say grabbing the remote. I am not trying to think about Jungkook saying he has had a multitude of sexual partners, I dont know why I am upset, its not like there is anything between us, he can do whatever he wants. So why does it bother me so much. 

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