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"Kim", a tall cop said handing me a manila envelope, "someone dropped this off for you." I opened it to find a cell phone and a note that says open me. There is an unread text message, so I open it.

??- Hey Detective Kim, your little brother is here, and will remain here till my men are released. We won't hurt him, we'll just have a little fun, he has those pretty lips ya know.

I almost threw the phone when I saw the picture of Jin they sent, I figured I better not they may call. "Fuck", I say, I showed the phone to Jungkook and Taehyung, I sat down with my head in my hands while my brain worked thru all the scenarios.


Those assholes have my Little Bit, and I don't even know where to begin to look, they have so many hiding places. Yoongi is really upset, I don't know what to tell him to put him at ease. "He's not upset, he is thinking", Taehyung says, like he read my mind. "I can see the concern for him on your face, and he is planning something." I see Yoongi grab his laptop and start typing, he prints it out and grabs it and heads out of the room with the piece of paper in his hand. I follow him out and see him walking down to the holding cells, I stand by the door and listen as he talks to one of guys I am testifying against. "This is your ticket out of here, you tell me where he is keeping my brother and my supervisor signs this and you are free as a bird, if you don't want it I'll ask your buddy in the next cell", Yoongi says showing him the paper. The guy took it and began reading it, "Id just be free to go if I tell you where they are keeping him, why should I believe you", he asks. "Because its my baby brother, and I would move mountains for my baby brother, you on the other hand are insignificant to me, he is innocent in all this and didn't deserve to be taken from his home because your boss wants to throw a tantrum", Yoongi says angrily.


This bedroom stinks like mothballs, no wonder I have a headache. I knock on the door, "Hey, I gotta piss." I heard the door click and it open, "It's right there, hurry up", the stocky blonde says. "Is there room service in the place or what, I am starving", I say before closing the door. There is a window, I open it and look out I'm 2 floors up, there is nothing down below to jump on, and could risk a broken ankle and or leg. He pounds at the door, making me jump, "Hurry up, and Ill order you food." I pee and wash my hands, making sure I shut the window and I walk out, "I want pizza", I say walking back to my mothball prison. "Ill bring it up when it comes", he says shutting the door and locking it. "Fuck, how am I going to get outta here."


Yoongi came back upstairs, "Lets go get Jin, he gave me the address." "For his freedom", I ask. Yoongi looks at me with a death glare, "you should know better than anyone that not everything is as it seems, just because it's right in front of your face doesn't mean it's real", Yoongi smirks, "now let's go get our Jinnie." We hop into an unmarked and drive to the location written on the paper. Yoongi parks across the street and we watch the house for any activity. About 30 minutes later we see a pizza delivery car pull up and the driver carry 5 or 6 pizzas to the door. "Oh yea Jinnie's in there" Taehyung says laughing. "I wish I knew how many were in there, and what we are dealing with", Yoongi says. More time goes by and we see the door open, we see a stocky blonde haired man being followed by Boss DiFronzzo. "They are leaving, how many you think are still in there", Taehyung asks. "There's only way to find out", Yoongi states getting out of the car. All three of us run across the street, the building is a brownstone so the windows aren't at ground level where we can just look in. We climb the stairs to the front door and peek into the front windows, we see one guy in the living room sitting on the couch watching TV, and another guy with his head in the fridge eating whatever he can find. We notice him shut the fridge and walk toward the front door, but we hear what he says to the guy on the couch. "I wonder if pretty boy upstairs has any pizza left, I'll be right back." "Jungkook, can you do the honors", Yoongi whispers pointing toward the door. I start to pick the lock, and when it opens Yoongi whispers, "Jungkook you go upstairs, Taehyung you go left and I'll go right taking care of the one the couch." I run upstairs quietly and hear Jin arguing with the guy trying to take his pizza, I actually had to laugh because the guy was begging for pizza and Jin was telling him hell no. I peeked in and saw the guy trying to pull the pizza box out of Jin's hands, but his back was to me so I snuck in and hit him with the butt of my gun, knocking him out. "Kookie", Jin cheered and ran to me throwing himself into my arms, "how did you find me", he asked. "Your brother found you", I say wrapping him in my arms, "I'm so sorry Little Bit, this is all my fault." "Jin you're okay", Yoongi says walking in and grabbing Jin, hugging him. "Let's go, we'll have a reunion later", Taehyung says calling upstairs. I grab Seokjin's hand and we run out to the car.


Yoongi dropped us at a hotel 3 towns over, he told us to stay in the room, don't use the phone, and don't look out the windows. Taehyung hugged me longer than Jungkook liked but he didn't say anything, "I'm glad you are safe Jinnie, I was so worried about you", Tae says holding me tightly. "I will call Uncle and let him know you are okay", Yoongi says, "we'll be back for you soon." They walked out and I grab Jungkook hugging him tightly, "I missed you so much", I start crying, "Jungkook I killed someone." "It's okay Little Bit, you were protecting yourself, that's why I taught you to use a gun", Jungkook says kissing my nose. "My Little Bit is a little bad ass", he says kissing my lips. Slipping his tongue into my mouth, exploring every part of it, "I missed your taste baby." He walks me backward to the bed until my legs hit it, he pulls my shirt off and kisses my shoulders and my neck while rubbing my nipples, making me moan while I tangle my fingers in his hair. "I missed you so much Jungkook", I say bringing his lips back to mine, kissing him greedily, not being able to get enough of him. He lays me on the bed and removes my pants and underwear, then stripping himself, my breath still caught in my throat seeing him naked, he's so hot with his muscles and tattoos. I pull him down on me and beg him to please fuck me, that I need him so badly. "Calm down Little Bit, we have all night and I'm not going anywhere", he says grinding his hips into mine, driving me insane. "Please Kookie", I say wrapping my legs around him and pulling him to me. "Okay baby, you sure", he asks kissing my cheeks. I nod, and with that Jungkook pushed into me in one smooth motion, making me scream out and him grunt loudly. "Fuck your tight, I'm going to cum Little Bit, don't move", he breathes into my neck. Finally we both start moving, we match each other thrust for thrust, Jungkook flips us around so that I am riding him, making him go even deeper inside me, hitting all the places that count, making me cum all over his stomach. He starts to stroke me, getting me hard again while I bounce up and down on his cock. After some time, we both reached our climax and I lay my head on his chest, trying to catch my breath, he is still inside me and starts bucking his hips, making himself  hard again. We went at it for hours, till there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be."  

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