Dangerous feelings

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It's been 2 weeks since I've come to the farm, I have been helping out where I can and I'm actually learning a lot and enjoying myself, out here there is no traffic or gunshots or sirens, its peaceful, very relaxing. Right now Jin and I are laying on the hammock, his head on my chest, and he is reading to me, I love his voice, I could listen to him all day. He is reading The Great Gatsby, I have always heard it was a good book, but never read it, I didn't finish school, I was drug into criminal life at a young age and got my schooling on the street. I close my eyes and feel the breeze flow over me, listening to my angel read, I could die right here and be the happiest man on earth. "Little Bit", I say. "Hmmm", he answers. "Have you ever held a gun before", I ask playing with his hair. "No, I don't know anyone who owns a gun, my uncle doesn't even own one", Jin giggled. "Want to", I ask. Jin sat up and looked at me, "you have a gun here", Jin looked worried. "Your brother gave it to me before he left, just in case", I say pushing the hair off his forehead. "Why do you want me to hold it", he asks. "I actually thought we could go out in the field and shoot it, I want to teach you to shoot Little Bit, I want you to be able to protect yourself if I am not around", I say. "Are you going to leave me", he asks shyly. "Do you want me to stay, it might not be a good idea", I say.  He looked wounded when I said that, Yoongi is right, he is falling for me, and he makes it so easy to fall for him too. "Let's do it, Kookie", he says with a huge smile. I ran into the house and grabbed the box Yoongi gave me, I grabbed a case of cokes on my way out the back door,  we then walked out to the farthest part of Namjoon's property. 


I can't believe I am doing this, but Jungkook asked me to, and I have always wanted to try to fire a weapon, Yoongi never let me. Jungkook set up coke cans on the fence post, I watch as he walks back over to me and I swear I can feel myself drool, his body is ridiculous, those thighs could possibly be the death of me because if I ever saw them naked, Id surely have a heart attack. "Okay Little Bit, I have loaded the gun for you already, I will show you that another time, pick up the weapon", he says holding the box with the gun in it. I let out the breath I was holding and picked up the weapon, "Its heavy, I'll probably break my wrist trying to fire it", I giggle. He smiles, "I doubt that", he says setting the box down. He stands behind me and holds my hands showing me how to hold the gun and what finger goes where, I feel him breathing in my ear and I am getting dizzy, not only that I feel his member rubbing against my ass, making me close my eyes and swallow loudly. "Little Bit, are you listening", he scolds. "Yes, s-sorry, aim down the s-sight, okay", I stutter. "Ready, aim down the sight and try to hit a can", he says. I am terrified and I feel myself shaking, I stand like the cops do on TV and with both hands I aim down range, looking down my sight and then... "Wait, don't we need ear protection." "Almost forgot, good job we both would have been deaf, when you are on the street you don't think of protecting your ears, you just shoot to stay alive." That thought gives me the shivers, just thinking of Jungkook being shot at makes me nauseous. "Come here Little Bit, give me them gorgeous ears, how is it everything on you is perfect, you can't be real", he says putting the soft foam ear plugs in my ears. "Okay now aim down range and hit a can", he says. I do my cop stance and aim, I'm trying to control my breathing, I closed my eyes and fired. "You missed, Little Bit, you have to keep your eyes open babe", he laughs. "It was instinct", I pout. "Okay aim back down range", he says standing behind me, I close my eyes, oh god I feel his dick on my ass again, his hands are on mine, "open your eyes", he says. "Aim down your sight, keep your eyes open and fire", he says. The loud bang made jump, making my ass rub against him, he moaned and I smiled knowing I made him make that beautiful noise. He placed his hand on my stomach, "don't jump again", he says close to my ear, I gulped, "Sorry." "You hit the can Little bit, good job." He kept his hand on my stomach a little longer than he should have, but I didn't complain one bit. We spent the rest of the afternoon firing at the cans till I got the hang of it, we then cleaned up and headed back in side. 


"After I shower, Ill cook us dinner since it's just us tonight, Uncle went out with his girlfriend and I am sure he won't be back", Jin says wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh, "How old are you again." "Younger than you", Jin sticks his tongue out. I followed Jin upstairs and into his room, he jumped when he turned around and saw me. "Kookie, why are you in here", Jin asks.  I wrap my arms around his waist, bringing my mouth to his ear, "I was really turned on watching you fire that weapon, while your ass was on my dick", I growled. He shivered, which made my cock twitch, to know I have this effect on him really turns me one. I turned him so that his back was to me, sliding my hands under his shirt, feeling his smooth flat stomach. "You had said if we were alone, you would shower with me, did you mean it", I whisper in his ear. He turns in my arms and takes his shirt off, "Damn right I meant it", Jin says taking my shirt off, he rubs his hands over my chest and abs. "Damn Jungkook, I should be asking if you are real, cuz this is perfection, I gotta see those thighs Kookie", Jin says practically drooling. I laugh, "slowly Little Bit, I want to enjoy this moment." "Seokjin, may I please kiss you", I ask bringing him closer to me. He gulps and nods, "please", he said breathless. I brought my lips to his and they are so soft, and plump, and they taste so good, our kiss started soft and sweet, but then it got heated, really heated. "I want you so badly Little Bit, but only if you want me to take you", I say into our kiss. Jin pulls back from my lips, "I want you to Kookie, but what happens in the morning", he says twisting his fingers in my hair, bringing his lips to mine again.  

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