Eight, Partners and Friends

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Chapter eight

Partners and Friends

2541 words, written on the 11th of January '21 , published 19/01/21

Renée woke up earlier than usual, the nerves concerning the upcoming Quidditch game being a big part of the unusual routine

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Renée woke up earlier than usual, the nerves concerning the upcoming Quidditch game being a big part of the unusual routine. She grabbed a pair of black ripped, oversized jeans and threw on a baggy baby blue sweater on top of it, bathing in the warmth that her clothes gave her. But still deciding on wearing her favourite pair of chunky high heeled boots for the sake of fashion.

She walked over to the school kitchen to grab a piece of toast and a cup of tea so she could wonder off later to the library. She was excited to see if there was another note left for her and what it could possibly say. And after grabbing her food she did exactly that.

Piles and piles of her favourite familiar books were in front of her, stacked up and urging her to come pick them up once again and to show them some love. She finally stopped at the book she was searching for and tugged it open, after flipping thoroughly through the pages and not finding another note, she felt a tad bit disappointed. Yet she consoled herself that maybe it was better like that, what if the admirer was a creep.

She left the book on the table near her as she searched for another one so she could read it later, to take her mind off of the stress. When she left Pride and Prejudice on the table, in the soft lightning she was something sticking to the back of the book and there her note was, sticked on with muggle tape.

Dear Renée, the one I supposedly admire,

I'm a dashing young lad, you would think so too if you knew who I am. On another note (so punny), you didn't answer my oh so important question, the one that would determine if I should write another note to you or not. Your favourite song mademoiselle?

Your favourite admirer

After Renée reread the note a few times, a small smile adorned her lips and she felt fuzzy again. She felt special, somebody left her notes on his free will as he thought she was worth the effort. The whole day turned around a bit better and she felt like she had the energy to conquer her classes and the tiring Quidditch practice for the game tomorrow.

She decided to go to the lake to relax a bit before her first class of the day would start, Defence of the Dark Arts. She grabbed her books and her bag and turned to go to her favourite spot outside.

~ ~ ~

"Ah there she is, our favourite French girl." Sirius plopped down to the empty spot next to Renée and grabbed the book she was reading out of her hands.

"Arse." She muttered and tried jumping towards Sirius to grab her book back, unsuccessfully.

"I hate it when he does that to me too and then he always starts complaining that I never show him the same amount of attention I show my books." Remus joined in, rolling his eyes a bit but an adoring smile was evident. "Boys are nauseating."

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