Five, Butterbeer and Apologies

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Chapter five

Butterbeer and Apologies

2178 words, written on the 12th of December 2020, published 24/12/20

2178 words, written on the 12th of December 2020, published 24/12/20

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Time passed, weeks flew by and Valentine's day suddenly came. The whole Great Hall was charmed so small hearts flew around, Cupid's bows could be seen here and there and the students were decked in variations of pinks, reds and whites. 

Renée was getting ready for her date with Sebastian and at the same time tried helping Lily curl her hair with a wand while Marlene was somewhere behind them complaining about having nothing to wear. The three of them were panicking and beyond stressed.

"Lily you look amazing, Amos won't know what hit him when he sees you dressed like this." Renée beamed happily at her friend, doing the finishing touches on her hair.

"Thank you, Ren." She took a deep breath, "Oh Merlin, I'm so nervous for this." Lily held her hands over her face and tapped her foot up and down nervously.

"Lily you have to calm down, Amos is crazy about you. Everything will go as planned and you will hopefully have a boyfriend at the end of the day." Marlene tried to calm the red headed witch but to no avail.

"How about you Marlene, nervous about Dorcas?" Lily tried focusing on another topic, desperate for a distraction.

Marlene snorted, "Me? Nervous? Lily this is my second Valentine's spent with Dorcas. I'd say I'm pretty calm about spending it with my girlfriend."

"It's not fair."

"What isn't?" Marlene furrowed her brows.

"I want what you and Dorcas have." Renée frowned.

"Well, you have Sebastian?" Marlene tried reasoning but even to herself she sounded unsure.

"I love him, I really do. But you and Dorcas would be a synonym for soulmates to me. Second best couple in Hogwarts. You two just click and understand each other in ways even Lily and I can't understand you. I want that."

Marlene blushed softly, not knowing what to say. "Don't tell me you put yourself as the first couple Ren."

"No way, first place and frankly the best couple the whole entirety of Hogwarts will ever see are Remus and Sirius. Sebastian and I are a third place couple at most."

"Oh, I agree! Did you see how Sirius brought soup to Remus when he was ill. I don't know if I want to have a Remus or be with a Sirius." Lily said and all of them had to agree. Those two boys were too precious for the world.

"The pairing between a soft, sweater loving boy who has a temper and the so called bad boy who's a softie for his sweater and chocolate loving boyfriend is adorable." Renée gushed, thinking about all the cute moments the boys had.

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