Chapter Twenty-Seven: Burnt Out

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Having the dream and waking up suddenly afterwards became routine. No matter what Gideon dreamed about, it would eventually morph into the same short sequence; reaching out for the woman with his abnormally small hands before she was engulfed in flames.

Gideon had sent a letter to Jonathan Grimsby the morning after he had recalled the dream's contents for the first time. On the first Monday of October, the man's response was delivered with the morning owl post. However, it brought with it a new and unexpected problem.

'What's he doing over here?' asked Eoin, his words barely discernible between his accent and a mouthful of toast.

Gideon's group turned to see Alex Grimsby striding up the Great Hall towards the end of the Slytherin table. 'Hand it over, Maxwell!' Alex demanded out of the blue.

'What?' Gideon responded in surprise.

'Back off, Grimsby!' Eoin snapped as he stood up.

'Wait, what are you talking about?' Dorian added more calmly.

'The letter, the package, hand them over!' Alex insisted, much to the confusion of the Slytherins.

'They're mine!' Gideon asserted with what he thought was justifiable anger. Students at the other tables noticed the disruption, including Alex's Gryffindor friends, who began to make their way across the hall.

Alex's frown deepened. 'Here, Tempest!' he called. The long-eared owl that had delivered Gideon's letter hopped across the table and up onto Alex's outstretched arm. 'This is my family's owl! Now hand over my mail!'

Gideon's face flushed red in understanding as Eoin and the approaching Gryffindors began to square up. Jonathan Grimsby had used his family owl to contact Gideon, and his son must have spotted it arrive and land on the other side of the room. Given the growing rivalry between the boys, Alex's reaction was natural.

Gideon got up from his chair and held up the envelope for Alex to see. In as conciliatory a tone as he could, Gideon told him, 'It's addressed to me, Alex.'

Alex scanned the envelope attached to the parcel from under his furrowed brows. There was a note of acknowledgement on his face, but he didn't seem satisfied.

'You alright, Al?' said Greg from over Eoin's shoulder.

'What did the freak do, mate?' Jason added nastily.

Gideon suspected Alex now wanted to ask why Gideon was being contacted by a member of his family. However, with the surrounding Gryffindors, Slytherins and others watching—not to mention several teachers—he appeared to decide against it. After a final scowl at Gideon, he walked away and out of the room.

'What the heck was all that about, Gideon?' Eoin asked as he and the rest of the students returned to their breakfasts.

'Why was his owl delivering your post?' Gio enquired.

'I don't know,' Gideon fibbed as he opened his letter. 'I've been expecting something from the Ministry of Magic. I think I heard him mention his dad works there once. Ah, yeah, it's signed by a guy named Grimsby. It must be his dad.'

Neither Gio nor anyone else at the table looked convinced by Gideon's explanation, but fortunately, it was time to get to class.


With his increasing lack of sleep and Grimsby's package in his bag, just waiting to be opened, Gideon found it difficult to concentrate in class. That was rather inconvenient as Greg and Jason seemed to be in the mood for trouble and shot levitated objects across the room whenever Professor Keane's back was turned.

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