Chapter Twenty-Three: Elevation

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'Gideon! How are you doing?' asked the man as he swept his golden locks from his face and extended a hand.

Gideon returned the handshake and made an odd confirmatory grunt, unwilling to answer such a question plainly at that moment.

Professor Voronov nodded to the boy as he stepped out and gave them his office.

'Thank you for coming to see me, Mr Grimsby,' said Gideon. 'Did the professors tell you anything?'

Grimsby smiled at the boy's astute presumption, 'Well, I did speak with Professor Dandridge. She mentioned that you were considering leaving the school. She also told me you had visited a certain tower. That must have been as confusing as it was fascinating!'

'Yes, it was. And so was this,' Gideon replied, pulling his wand out and pointing it upward, 'vermillious!'

Red sparks crackled from his wand tip, illuminating the glean of understanding appearing across Grimsby's face.

'Ah,' he said simply.

Gideon ended the spell and explained, 'It started yesterday when my new wand arrived.'

'New wand? the man enquired.

'I've been using this one,' he said as he fished out the battered, second-hand shop wand, 'but it hasn't been working.'

Grimsby took it from the boy and examined it, 'No, I don't suppose it would. Used wands are tricky to master at the best of times, but this one is damaged, and inflexible, and I can see from the tip that its core was unicorn hair. Unicorn core wands are known for their loyalty to their original owners. Why did you have a used wand, though?'

'I went to Ollivanders, but the old man in there flipped out. The shopkeeper sent me the one I matched with as an apology. Unlike the other, it works. I've done spells with it. That's when I realised the truth, that what you told me in the hospital was true. That it was my fault my mum got hurt—'

'—I never said that Gideon! It's true that you were technically responsible for your mother's injuries, but it wasn't your fault!' Grimsby corrected. 'You didn't do it knowingly or willingly. There's a difference, an important one!'

The conviction behind the man's words and the sternness in his bright, blue eyes alleviated some of the guilt that Gideon had been harbouring. 'Even so,' he continued, 'I know it's all true now, and it's got me pretty mixed up. It's been a rough week.'

Jonathan Grimsby sighed sympathetically, 'Yes, I read in the Prophet about your dad.'

'Well, I didn't!' Gideon responded. 'I was sitting in class, and he just showed up, I thought I was going mad!'

'Have the two of you spoken?' the man asked.

'No. I've tried but he ignores me and runs out of class. Sometimes I see him in the Great Hall, but I can hardly have it out with him right there in front of everyone. Besides, now that I know the truth, how can I face him? How can I stay here? I should be with my mum.'

'I stand by what I said at St Mungo's, Gideon. It's a bad situation, but I'm sure your dad will come around eventually,' Grimsby tried to reassure him. 'As for your mum, she's doing better. With any luck, it's just a matter of time before she wakes up. When she does, though, wouldn't she be happier knowing that you are here? What do you think she would say if she knew you had dropped out for her sake?'

Gideon hadn't considered that. The answer came to him immediately. He knew his mother would want him to carry on with his magical education. She would be cross with him if he left, and would probably feel guilty if she thought it was because of her.

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