Chapter Four: The Visitors

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Gideon watched his father usher Mr Grimsby and his son inside. Mr Maxwell started towards his study before correcting himself, 'Tolly? Go fetch Gideon, would you?'

'As you wish, Master,' Tolly answered, arriving from the other room, and then hurrying up the staircase. Gideon quickly ducked back behind the wall, so as not to be caught eavesdropping. As Tolly rounded the corner, he put a finger to his lips, indicating for the elf to be quiet.

He waited a reasonable amount of time before emerging from behind the wall with Tolly, pretending they had made their way from his bedroom. 'You wanted me, Dad?' Gideon said as they walked down the stairs.

'Yes, Gideon,' his father replied and indicated to their guests, 'You remember Mr Grimsby and his son, Alex?'

Gideon responded with a nod.

'We have some business to discuss. Why don't you and Alex go play?' he suggested. Then, addressing the visitors and Tolly, 'Some cold drinks? I think we have some fresh pumpkin juice?'

'Pumpkin juice sounds great, thank you,' Mr Grimsby answered.

With a look from Mr Maxwell, Tolly bowed out towards the kitchen while the two men headed to the study. 'Want to go up to my room?' Gideon proposed timidly.

'Sure,' said the other boy with a smile and they jogged upstairs. As they reached the landing, Gideon glanced at the vents at the end of the hall. He was briefly tempted to try listening to the conversation taking place in the study, but with Alex for company, he decided against it.

Gideon's bedroom was the smallest in the house but still a good size. There was plenty of room for all of his bookshelves and his drawing desk, as well as a wardrobe, dressing table and a double bed. The walls were adorned with some of Gideon's drawings and a selection of magically-moving posters, including one of The Stargazers, and one of his local Quidditch Team, the Chudley Cannons.

'I forgot you supported the Cannons,' said Alex Grimsby as they entered. 'They haven't been having a good season, have they?'

'No,' Gideon conceded, 'but that's mainly because of the new line-up. Once they've had time to work on their team dynamic, I think they could be real contenders.'

'Come off it!' Alex responded. 'The Cannons are going down, it's their keeper they should have sacked!'

'What? Denton's a legend!' Gideon contested.

'He was a legend, you mean. He's been going downhill ever since he took that Bludger to the head against the Magpies,' Alex joked. The boys both laughed. It was such a refreshing change for Gideon to talk to someone his age about Quidditch, the popular wizarding sport played in the air on broomsticks, or someone his age full stop, for that matter.

'Oh, you like the Stargazers too?' asked Alex. 'Was that poster up when I was here last?'

Gideon had to think about it, 'I've liked them for ages. Though, I'm not sure if the poster would have been up. I got it a couple of birthdays ago, so just over two years ago.'

'Maybe not, then. I guess it's been a while,' said Alex. 'I don't know many other kids who like them. I'm not sure about the new album, but I have a signed copy of Nightshade!'

'Wow, really?' Gideon exclaimed. 'That's so cool, Nightshade is my favourite!'

Just then, Tolly arrived at the door with a jug of iced Pumpkin juice and four tall glasses on a tray. 'Cheers, Tolly!' Gideon said as he poured out two drinks for them and let Tolly head to the study. The boys sat down on two big bean bags.

'So, how come I don't see more of you?' Alex enquired. 'I only see you when I visit with my dad, and that's not often.'

Gideon took a big sip from his glass and replied, 'Well, I don't see many other kids from magical families. I go to a Muggle primary school. Or I did, that is. Today was my last day. Finally!'

Gideon Drake and the Fire Within (Harry Potter Sequel/Spinoff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora