✅Chapter 2: "For Better Times To Come"

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The dorm was silent, people were in classes and Phandrin was running down the stairwell in an attempt to get to his class before they locked the doors. All of the hallways seemed longer, wider, the carpets more slippery, the doors heavier. All because he woke up late.

He ran down the cold hallways skidding to a stop in his classroom doorway, panting quietly. The class went quiet as he stood up quickly, laughing nervously. All eyes were on him as he stepped inside, quietly trying to gain his breath. He slowed his breathing to avoid sounding so out of breath despite the fact that he sprinted from his dorm here. He probably looked like he had just climbed out of his bed as well.

Well.. he did, but they didn't have to be aware of that.

"Why are you late?" The teacher asked as he sat down. He shrugged, looking to the window and leaning on it. It was cold and damp on his sweater. He was tired, he was up late thinking about familiar eyes, and his responsibilities as a tour guide.

"Slept in, my alarm hadn't gone off," He said quickly seeing the dark clouds. rain again?

He heard the teacher sigh nodding and going to the attendance on his computer in order to check him in as late. He knew the teacher was sick of his antics as he heard snickering around the room. He sat in the back against the window next to Metis and behind someone he didn't care to remember the name of. They were a praying mantis, he guessed but the large appendages exiting the boys back, mimicking those of a praying mantis. The boy also had antennae on top of his head, a blindfold wrapping over his eyes for a reason Phandrin was unaware of.

He pulled his papers from his bag quietly, the teacher continued. The laughing had quieted down as he leaned back doodling on his papers, at a point beggining to ignore the teacher as Metis shuffled beside him. His hands ached, his body stiff from sleeping weird.

"Was that why you were late?" They said quietly glancing at him. They sat neatly next to Holly. Metis was a non binary white rabbit, two large floppy ears on her head. They also had a small puffy tail, and she was actually park of their track team. Her quadrant abilities made her fast and exceedingly good at high jump.

Holly was a guinea pig, not too far from the average human. He has patches of off colored skin and two small ears. His hair was also very fluffy.

"Yeah, I'm not lying this time," Phandrin said after a moment, nodding slightly and throwing an eraser at them. They scoffed picking it up and whipping it back at him making Holly laugh. The teacher called them out and made them shut up before they got into any more trouble. Holly sat on the other side of them glancing every few seconds questionably. Phandrin was tired, he hadn't slept right. He was thinking about the fox, he had no idea why.

It was boring after that, Metis and Holly wouldn't respond to his antics and the teacher just went on and on and on and it was boring him out of his mind. The only interesting thing was the few classes that walked outside his window or when someone fell out of their chair after getting yelled at by the teacher.

He stared at his desk before scribbling on a piece of paper and sliding it to Metis who gave him an annoyed glance before opening it.

"Wanna hang out in the fountain park later? Me, you, and Holly?" Was scribbled down.

Metis furrowed her eyebrows before opening a wing to tap holly quickly before handing him the note. Phandrin leaned on his hand waiting for the guinea pig boy to answer. Holly looked at Metis shrugging then nodded making him smile. At least he wouldn't be so bored after school then.

When the bell rang signaling them to leave for his only class of the day, he picked up his bag to stand next to Metis as they waited for Holly. Everyone filed out quickly waving or saying goodbye to the teacher. Phandrin stood quietly until they started heading out following his two friends out the doorway.

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