Choices (Draco)

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The mark felt like an insatiable itch. It burnt and writhed under my sleeve, begging to be let out, to be revealed.

I wanted it gone.

I wanted it off.

The thoughts consumed me as I gripped the edge of my desk so hard it creaked beneath my fingers.

I needed a break.

I needed out.

I kept my composure calm and steady as I quietly asked to use the restroom, ignoring the worried glance from Natalie. She didn't deserve this. No one did. My steps remarkably remained steady and slow as I made my way out of the class. My body ached to sprint, but that would raise more questions than I cared to answer. After a torturously slow stroll down the hall, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was wild, my eyes dark and hollow. The light of childhood innocence had long since burned out, but it was still a searing shock to see up close.

Disgusting. Traitor. Useless. Disappointing.

My father's words echoed in my head, and suddenly, it was too much. I ripped off my robes and my vest, but it wasn't enough. I still felt suffocated by the weight of what had happened in the past few months. The mark burned like fire as I dwelled on my memories. I yanked on the sleeve of my silk button-up shirt, staring at the mark. I remembered the searing pain of it being branded permanently on my arm. My hands shook as I slumped against the wall, burying my face in my hands. How was I going to do this? Why did I agree?

Deep down, I knew it wasn't my true choice. If I hadn't agreed to my task, he would have killed my family, then my friends, and then Natalie, right in front of me before my inevitable demise. I'd done my best to keep it all a secret, but most of the Death Eater's knew there was someone special I was hiding. When Bellatrix had realized this, she made my occlumency lessons worse than I thought possible. She shoved her way into the darkest corners of my mind until I passed out from strain, making it agonizing on purpose. The only reason I stayed sane was because of Natalie. I had to protect her, even though I knew I was nearly at my limit. She was clusess to my current predicament in a way that was hurting both of us. It was only a matter of time before she couldn't handle the secrets anymore. I was smart enough to know that. In my head, the answer to my problems was clear, but I pushed it away, shaking my head.

That was the very last resort.

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