Lost (Natalie)

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I woke up on a cold marble floor, hearing someone plead. "Please, Bellatrix, she's done nothing wrong. She doesn't even know my name. I erased it all."

"It's not her I'm worried about. It's you. You still care for her. That's a dangerous tool for someone else to use against you. Lucius, Fenrir, keep holding him.

I fully opened my eyes to find a woman with wild, curly hair standing over me. She smirked, revealing rotten, yellow teeth. "Well, well, look who decided to wake up."

"Who are you?" I asked, recognizing the fear in my voice. I didn't recognize anyone in the room. The last thing I could remember was telling my mother and father good night before falling fast asleep.

"Bellatrix Lestrange. I wouldn't expect you to know of me, since lovely little Draco erased all your memories that had to do with him. Though, I think he might have messed up and erased more, seeing how confused you look right now."

I searched my mind, suddenly remembered who Bellatrix was. The Dark Lord's second in command, and an absolutely psychotic murderer. She had broken Neville's parents, and a cold fear drenched my heart as I realized I may have been next. "What are you talking about? Who's Draco? Where am I?"

"You see, here's the thing, darling," she began in a condescending tone. "I think you're faking. I don't think you've been obliviated at all. So you can either do this the easy way, or the hard way.

"I promise, I don't understand what you're talking about." I tried to sit up, but Bellatrix shoved my shoulders down, pressing me so hard into the floor I felt my bones creak.

"You just chose the hard way," she said, smiling sadistically as she drew a dagger. The glint in her eyes was purely animal. "How pureblooded are you again?"


She slapped me. "Answer my question."

I decided to just answer her questions. "I'm halfblo-" my words were cut off as excruciating pain ran through my arm. I felt warm blood soak into my soft pajama shirt and screamed louder than I'd ever screamed before, trying to shove the crazy woman off of me. Through the hazy pain, I thought I heard the boy she'd referred to as Draco screaming too. She lifted the knife for a moment, smiling at my short-lived relief before she pressed it in again, deeper this time. I couldn't scream anymore as the knife hit bone. The agony was too excruciating. After what seemed like eternity, she finally lifted the knife and got off me. I tried to move but I couldn't. I shifted my gaze to my arm where the word 'Mudblood' was carved into my skin. The boy named Draco was fighting against the two men holding his arms back, he was on his knees, tears streaming down his face as he made eye contact with me. Something was familiar about him, but I didn't understand why he was fighting so hard for me. My legs began to go numb and I looked to my arm again. "Well that doesn't look good," Bellatrix said with dry humor, noting how much blood was around me. She had cut into an artery. "Lucius, Fenrir, you can leave now. Draco won't do anything, or Miss Natalie will suffer the consequences."

After the men left, the boy called Draco ran to my side. "Save her," he said, his voice hoarse. "She'll bleed out."

"Why Draco? Why do you care so much about this useless girl?" My wind was going beginning to go numb with pain as silent sobs racked my body.

"She's innocent. She's done nothing wrong."

"Where have I failed while teaching you. We don't need a reason to kill. We kill for blood purity, not innocence."

"Just save her, please. I'll do anything."

"Oh Draco. I don't think you'll ever learn. At this point she's a lost cause. Just let me get it over with." The woman drew her wand and turned towards me, a wicked and excited gleam her eyes. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. "Avada Kedavra!" She screamed, green light making a beeline for me. Draco jumped in front of it, whispering, "I love you," before he fell to the ground, motionless. Bellatrix looked like she was in shock, freezing before speed walking over to me. "Now look what you've caused you disgusting little mudblood." She grabbed my injured arm and yanked up, and I was too in shock to scream. She put the wand in my other hand, before standing up, stepping back a few feet, and screaming. "What have you done? Lucius! Fenrir! She has my wand!"

Obliviate - A Short Draco Malfoy StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon