Decisions (Draco)

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"Draco," Pansy started suggestively, laying a hand on my chest.

I didn't care enough to shove her off. Not yet, at least. "What?" I asked blankly.

"Did you and that mudblood finally break up?"

The harsh words snapped me back into reality. "Get off of me."

She fluttered her lashes, peering up at me through them. "It was just a question. You needn't be so angry all the time. Did you?"

"No," I said bringing forth all the rage I had restrained for the past few months. "Get your grubby hands off of me. Now."

She moved back as if my skin had suddenly burned, grumbling about 'mudbloods' and 'wrong choices.' I rolled my eyes and leaned back, soaking in the last of the setting sun as she walked away. I had the sudden feeling of being watched, and I opened my eyes to see Natalie across the courtyard, hurt bright in her eyes. I stood, starting to walk over to her, but she had already disappeared in the throng of students. I dragged my hands over my face before walking back to my dorm room. I had stacks of homework to catch up on. The stress of my assignment from the Dark Lord had overshadowed every other aspect of my life. My grades were suffering exponentially as I neglected the school work that I knew wouldn't matter before the end of the year. Even my father realized that my grades no longer mattered. Usually, if a single class dropped half a letter, it'd be hell to pay. Now, all my classes were barely above failing, and there wasn't a single word from him.

There were a lot of things I needed to catch up on and fix. I should have visited Nat, but the weight of everything was suddenly so crushing that I knew I couldn't go to her. If I had, I would have ended up spilling all my stresses to her. She was just too easy to talk to. I figured I would just send an owl later, asking to go stargaze. That had always been her favorite thing to do.

Still, I feared my last resort was closer than I wanted. I needed to erase my life and connection to Natalie if I wanted to save her life.

Obliviate - A Short Draco Malfoy StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum