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Ok so I have some good and bad news for everyone who reads this book.

What do you wanna hear first good or bad?

Ok so I'll start off with bad and try to make it better by ending with good news ok? Great!


So as you know this account is a joint account by Aussie_Lynch and Rys_Grl_4ever and this is my book im Rys_Grl_4ever I'm also writing Give And Take. But on my actual account I have so many books I have started that I need to update and finish and all. And I already deleted like four of them. So.....I will not be on this account to update for at least three weeks or so. Because I'll be updating on my other account. Those of you from my other account I will be updating constantly on a few of my books until I finish and complete some of them. I don't know which ones it is but I am doing to do that. So I'll update like 2-3 times a day hopefully.


Ok so that may be hard to recover from I know. But as said above this is good news. "Good." Ok?
So after I finish doing that other stuff on my other account I will come back and do a ton of updates and stuff. So leave comments for ideas of what should happen next when I start updating and all.


So I saw one author do this with one of her books and I thought. "Hey that would be cool." So I'm gonna try it. So don't be shy I won't judge.

So as you know there's a plethora of different characters in this book that everyone loves. So, have you ever wondered, what were they thinking. or I wonder what he would think. Right. So this is your chance to do so. Comment. A question towards a character in the book and I will update sometime and answer as best I can as the character would as if you asked them.
Like ask a question to an R5 member and what they think of something. And they will answer.

If I can get at least 10 comments and 10 votes on this by next week I'll update and I'll go the questions that you asked. How does this sound. I'm really sorry for all this but if I have my books completed on my other account than I can update more on here. "Yay." ok.

So remember
10 votes.
I'll update and answer questions.

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