Hospitals and Hotdogs

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(Three months later)

Devyn's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and I rolled over and walked into Devin's room quietly. I've been staying with him since he was sick. He's been getting better slowly now. I think he can go back to work by next week.

"Hey baby how do you feel." I asked sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing his bare back. He rolled over and looked at me and smiled.

"Hi Devy." He chuckled and sat up. I smiled and leaned into his chest.

"How are you feeling." I asked smiling.

"A lot better." He said and kissed my cheek. I yawned and leaned back trying not to fall asleep. He chuckled and pulled me between his legs and leaned me back.

"I'm glad. I was starting to get worried." I said smiling.

"You look tired Devyn are you ok." He asked leaning his chin on my shoulder.

"Yea. I'm fine. Just really tired. I've been up all night taking care of you for three weeks while you were sick as a dog." I whined and yawned.

"Well I'm all better now." He smiled proudly.

"Does that mean I can stay here and sleep for three weeks." I whined as my eyes started to close.

"You sleep. It's ok." he said and kissed my cheek. He was gonna kiss my lips but I stopped him.

"You've been in bed for three weeks and only out of bed long enough to go to the bathroom and get back in bed. Not when you haven't brushed your teeth in that long." I said stopping him. He frowned and crossed his arms. I smiled and fell asleep in his arms. He didn't say anything and just laid me down next to him and cuddled up to me.


"Devyn." Devin whispered running his fingers through my hair. I groaned and rolled over. I forgot I had fallen asleep next to Devin in his bed. He was standing on the side of the bed and smiled.

"Sorry. I've been tired." I mumbled and slowly sat up.

"It's ok. I appreciate everything you did for me when I was sick. I took a shower. And I'm about to do laundry." He smiled and picked me up.

"Devin please don't drop me." I said worried.

"Wow you're light. Tell me you did eat when I was sick right." He asked worried.

"W-Well. N-Not really. I had a pudding from the fridge and a yogurt cup." I said shyly.

"Just one in Three weeks." He whined.

"Yea." I said looking down. He set me down and hugged me.

"Devyn I want to help you beat this Anorexia but I can't when you continue to refuse food. So we are going to the store and we are going to buy some things for you to eat. Ok. Right now actually. Then we are gonna go out a do something cause I have been stuck in bed for almost a month." He said and smiled. I nodded with tears in my eyes.

"Ok." I said and laid my head on his chest.

"Hey. I want to help you through this ok." He said and kissed my head.

"I-I know. Thank you Devin. It's hard for me because nobody has wanted to help me like you do." I cried and wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked me up again and I wrapped my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall. He chuckled and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I truly care about you Devyn. I really do." He whispered. I smiled and kissed his neck. He chuckled and kissed my neck back.

"Let's skate you have a board still right." I asked looking up.

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