chapter 2

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Its been 14 years since my Principessa was taken by my sick minded ex-wife. You may be wondering 'If You KnEw WHo toOk HeR whY hAVen'T yOu FOund HEr yET' and my answer to that would be a simple yet effective FUCK YOU?!

I have spend every day, for the past 14 years, looking for any clues or evidence of where she is. But it's as though she just disappeared from the planet.

Each and every day we all wish to have our bambina back in our hold.

The day that she was taken everything changed. The kids all grieved in different ways and some were just to young to understand what had happened.

Car (Carlo) and Cam (Camillo) were Carina's twins, and even though they were only just 2 at the time, it was as though they could sense that apart of them was missing. But they didn't really change due to there age.

However, the older boys went through it.

Rome (Romeo) was effected the worst by our bambina disappearance. He may have only been 3 when she was taken, but in that time baby Carina and Rome were able to form a bond that couldn't be replaced. However, due to this Rome started to get angrier and more distant. He began to get into fights every day at school and that is if he didn't just skip school all together. Not only that but his anger issues got worse and no one can control it, or at least the only person who could got taken from us.

Luc (Luca), Gio (Giovanni), and Sandro (Alessandro) all just tried their best to help look for her and would not sleep or eat for days.

However, currently I am sat in a meeting, bored out of my mind with some random person taking about something business related.

And yes I probably should be listening but its just sooooooo boringggg.

I look to the left of me and see my eldest looking just as bored as me, if not more, even though I don't think that this is possible.

Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts again, my phone began my ring.

I was quick to answer it, as I was longing for an escape from this meeting.

Once I answer the phone and held it to my ear I heard this ladies voice ask, "Hello there, Are you Antonio Russo?"

"yes, who am I speaking to?" I answered almost straight away. At the point everyone in the meeting room was looking at me.

I hears an almost pleased sigh before I get a reply, "Ah, yes of course. My name is Rosie Taylor, and I am a social worker in London. Today I received a case of a 16 year old girl, who is in need of a home. After we ran a DNA test, we were able get a match. Mr Russo, I believe that I have got your daughter, Carina, with me".


"Mr Russo? Are you there?"

"did you say you found my daughter?" I asked completely shocked and full of emotions that i haven't felt in a long time.

"Yes, yes I did. Are you able to come down to London?" the social worker asked.

To which I replied with, "yes, I will be there tomorrow morning".

"Great! Well, I'll see you tomorrow" she exclaimed before hanging up.

I was still in a state of shock when Sandro asked, " who was that?"

I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "That was a social worker from London. They have Carina"

A wave of emotions flashed in his eyes before he ran out of the meeting room with me.

We ran all the way to the car and I told our driver to go to the airport, while Sandro called our pilot telling him to get the plane ready.

Not one word was uttered on the drive to the airport, but you could tell we were both thinking the same thing.

We will finally have our Principessa back.



thank you for reading!

sorry that this chapter is shorter but I really wanted to stop the chapter at this point.

please let me know how you find it so far and on any feedback.




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