Getting along

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-Yo! Im Haru! This Is my 2nd fanfic So please dont hate, And sorry for my English Its not my birth launlage...

Sanji POV
I was just shopping in town on Island we stopped at to get some food and these kind of things. Ofcoursly i had to take care of that lost marimo guy. He said he needs to buy something to sharp his blades on swords. "Tsch you Marimo-Head can you walk faster?" I sighted because he walked like a snail.

Zoro POV
I was just slowly walking with curly-brows while looking at the sky. Because they though i might get lost if i go out by myself...Tsch why do they think i will get lost anyways? "Tsch you Marimo-Head can you walk faster?" He Sighted with angry tone in his voice. "Hai, hai im walking faster...see?" I started walking little bit faster so i wont get lost.

Sanji POV
Like i said i was still walking with that shit head swordsman but then i saw angel?..yea we can call her angel ..she was so pretty i couldnt get my eyes of her so i walked towards her and didnt care about he Marimo behind me "Y-yo are you an angel ? You look like you fell from heaven" i said flirtry and was trying to hold my nosebleed.

??? POV
Some Curly-browed pretty guy walked towards me and said such pretty thing to me i blushed and looked at him. "I'am not an angel but t-thanks for compliment" i just saw that scary muscled guy behind him and got kinda scared but when i looked at the curly-browed guy it calmed me down. "So whats your name?" He asked with big smile on his face. "M-my name is Natalie...and what's yours n-name?" I asked back after telling my name.

Sanji POV
That pretty girl was acting shy and blushed. Does she like me?! I hope..if she does...i hope she will come to sail sea with us. "So whats your name?" I asked with big smile. She kindly replied "My n-name is Natalie...and what's your n-name?" She was so cute when she was shy i just met her but i knew i love her "My name's Sanji ^^ nice to meet you Natalie..wanna go get something for food?" I asked pushing that marimo away.

Zoro POV
That Ero-cook just walked towards some girl and they were chit-chatting for some time now...i dont know why but i felt sad when he didnt payed his attention to me..then he pushed me away and walked away with that girl. I felt pain in my heart. "Do i love him?..or whats wrong with me?"..I asked myself quietly.

20min later
I still was on the place where he left me, thinking he would be back in another few minutes...but he wasnt...i started having pain in my throat so i though i will go to Chopper ..but what if i get lost? I will stay here for another half hour and then go.

Sanji POV
I was walking towards some restaurant with Natalie thinking shes the love of my life. We were chatting and getting along well. After we ate in restaurant we were about to go back so i could get that idiot swordsman. "I LOVE YOU SANJI!" She yelled and blushed so hard. I started blushing aswell and blood was coming out of my nose. "Y-you...what?" I asked and hugged her "I love you too Natalie ^^"

Natalie POV
I gathered my "guts" together and yelled from my heart "I LOVE YOU SANJI!!" as we walked out of the restaurant. He hugged me and said "I love you too Natalie" and gaved me big smile. My heart was beating like crazy.

Zoro POV
I heard someone from the upper street yell "I LOVE YOU SANJI!!" I felt pain even more in my throat snd heart i though my heart stopped. I though im gonna cry. I just sitted there silenty waiting for him to come back and get me. But i felt like i need to vomit ...then i coughed and little flower fell out of my mouth.

//yo see you in next part guys uwu im sorry if its short or confusing or if theres mistake if anything tell me in coms

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