Are you okay, Zoro?

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Nobody POV
They were walking to sunny go, sun was slowly setting up. It was about 4am. Zoro was walking and looking down on his feets making steps leading him to the Sunny. Sanji was walking next to him looking at Zoro. "What tf you looking at?" Zoro asked. "What'dya mean? Im just looking at the ocean" Sanji replied. "No you were not you were starting at me from the while we stood up, u want something ?" Zoro said kinda pissed and trying to hold the flowers in his throat. "You just look pale you know so im just checking" Sanji truthfully replied. "oh- im okay so you dont have to ^^" Zoro said sweetly. Sanji blushed because his voice sounded sweet and erotic at once.


Zoro POV
We finally got back to sunny go. I got on the deck and out of nowhere i helped the cook to the ship. I was thinking really hard if i will tell him or not. I decided to tell him. But some other day. "Well dont go anywhere, anymore im going to sleep" said tired Sanji. "Oh, okay im going in my room" i replied as i walked  away to my room. I sat on the bed. I couldnt hold it in anymore. Sadly in my room wasnt toilet or bathroom so i runned out of my room up to the bathroom. Kneeing in front of the toilet coughing and vomiting blood with flowers. They were roses. Sanjis favourite.  They had thorns so it started scratching inside my neck a lot. I heard footsteps coming near to the bathroom i flushed the toilet fastly and got up. Someone knocked "is there anyone" it was Robin. "Yes, but im leaving already!" I said , i oppened door to see black haired women who was ready to take a shower. "Thanks Zoro" she said calmly, went inside and locked the door. Soon you could hear the water sound coming out of the shower.  I went to the deck of the ship. I couldnt sleep. I was leaning against the railing, looking at the stars. They looked so pretty. A pleasant wind was blewing around. Leaves were dancing in the wind. And i was feeling lonely. My heart almost stoped when somone touched my shoulder. I looked around to see again the blackhaired girl. "What's up?" I asked quietly. "You left this in the bathroom, it's yours isnt it?" She showed me a whole red rose. When did it- i was confused but i said "Yes sorry for that". "Who is it for?" Said Robin with smirk on her face. "Nobody the wind gave it to me so i took it" i said. "Yeah, okay Zoro, the wind blewing around is nice isnt it?". "yea it is it feels warm on my skin" i replied with weak smile.

Sanji POV
After i said that im going to sleep i really gone to bed because i have to wake-up soon every morning to make breakfast. But i woke up after i heard running i though something is happening but i slowly stood up. Put my clothes on and slowly left my room. Only thing i saw was Robin and Zoro chatting on the deck. He was holding a rose. "Did he?.." i said for myself and my heart ached a bit. Robin left after while into her and Nami-sans room. Zoro was just looking at the rose with sad glare. He let go of the rose and the rose flew away with the wind. He smiled "Now you're not alone like me..." He said. Is he ok? ;-; he have so many people around him and says hes "ALØNE" ???  Theres something wrong with him. I sneaked up to him. "Yo Marimo!" I yelled but not too much to wake up others, and jumped behind him. "Hm, werent you supposed to be asleep?". "Ye i was but somone runned on the ship and it woke me up". I said knowing it was him. "Sorry for that there was nothing else i could do" . "What do you mean by that where were you running to then?" I asked confusingly. "It should not concern you Curly-brows....i have my own reasons and also my own secrets." Zoro said proudly. Then he started coughing. He hided it with his hand. His hand was covered in blood after. "What tf is that Zoro?!...." I said pissed Whats with that blood again?!" I yelled but not too loud. "Dont care about it please cook i will be okay in few days....maybe" the last word he said quietly but i heard it. "Zoro this better be a joke-...btw ur going to the town with me today to see if Nathalie can go with us" i said. "Tsch...that girl pisses me off the most" he said. Then he shocked, covered his mouth with hand "i said it out loud didnt i?" He asked ankwardly.  "yes you did....why do u hate her so much? Sheesh be nice shes my gf!". "U know her only few hours! Theres somone who loves you but they know you even longer... But it doesnt matter cook i aint going with you anywhere" Zoro said. Then he covered his mouth and runned away. Is he sick? I asked myself. I ran after him. "Are you okay , Zoro?.." i asked...then i saw him kneeing in front of the toilet and all of the blood coming outa his mouth and the flowers. I know....this clearly is....the hanahaki dissaese. But who's the one?... I asked myself again.

Zoro POV
After that cook showed up and we had conversation i felt like i need to vomit so i runned away to the bathroom. I kneed Down in front of the toilet again. After i vomited a lot of blood and flowers. One were only petals others were whole roses. I freaked out when u heard "are you okay, Zoro?" Everyone but not him!...god please. I cant say iam....."Y-yeah im ok ^^" i said knowing it wont work. "hmm so who's the one you're in love with..? Who's the reason of your hanahaki?" He asked politely. My eyes widen. My breath faster. My heart going in my throat. Flowers blooming in my neck. My eyes my whole body was shaking "H-how did you?..."

//Im sorry if its short or if its cringe hah yes its literally alomost 3am in the morning and i was bored and couldnt sleep so i decied to write nother chapter maybe shorter then other but stilll....yeah it doeasnt make big sence but hope'yall like it....

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