The Truth

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Zoro POV
My heart skipped few beats. Why did all of the people on Sunny, he had to come?....i didnt know what to do the man i loved the most stood behind me ....asking me question i wished to never be asked. "N-none of your- business" i said while gasping for breath as tears filled my eyes and runned down my cheeks. Sanji carefully placed his hand on my back and patted me. "Zoro, i care..." He said as he smiled. What does he mean?- ...oh

Flashback to yesterday

"Hey, Zoro... What's with that blood on your hand...did u got in fight or why did u coughed blood?" -Sanji


End of the flashback

Sanji POV
"I-im sorry" said Zoro while tearing up and gasping for air.
"What are you sorry for?" I asked confusingly.
"I yelled at you, i ignored you caring, i wished you didnt care....but all i really wanted was really.. that you would care about me...but i was so blind.." Zoro said while trying to stop his tearing up eyes. "Its okay Zoro...i know ...i know you dont need to apologize..." Sanji said softly as he pulled green-haired man into a hug. "It'll be okay i swear ....u can take the surgery or we can find the person you love...they're on this island ,right?"i asked. "U-uhm...y-yeah" Zoro said ankwardly. "What kind of person are they? Can you tell me? Lets go in your room and talk a bit about them maybe?" I said in hope of finding who his lover is. "mhm...we can.." Zoro replied quietly again. I stood up and Zoro did the same. I took him by wrist and dragged him to his room. "So what kind fo person they're? Is it boy or girl?" I asked kindly hoping for the anwser saying 'boy'. "I-...its a ...boy..." He looked Embarrased at the floor. "Oh welp what kind of boy he is? Did you even talk with him?" Another question flew out of my mouth. "...yea...i did....and he' angel... Hes Somebody i wish to hug everyday....somebody i wish to protect....somebody i wish to wake up by every morning..." Zoro replied while smiking weakly. "So he's somebody really sweet isnt he? ^^" . "'re right" Zoro started to look happy talking about him. "Well mind telling me his name? Can we go visit him by tomorrow?" I asked because we can atleast try....Although i didnt like the idea of Zoro being with someone....i wanted the someone to be me.....i want him to love me..."Uh y-yea" he said. I saw his happy face grow to worried. "Okay we'll first go for Nathalie and then to the boy okay?" I asked. "" He answered and went silent again. "No?- so first to him?" . "No...." He replied again. "What do you want then tell me iam fricking confused by your anwser you green-moss-head-idiot"- "No...i dont wanna see her...i dont wanna see Nathalie...ever again..." Zoro said with crack in his voice as he teared up. "O-oi whats up with the tears?-" i asked softly as i pulled him into a tight hug again. "I just..dont want to see her...." He said calming down.  "But...what if she can come with us to sail seas what you gonna do?". "Im gonna....quit..." He said with his eyes full of tears again. "Why....why would you do that dumba$$???" I asked in hurry and little unnoticable crack in my voice. "I just don-" he was cutted of by me saying "Just give her a chance please..."

//- btw if yall confused why is Sanji with Nathalie even if he likes Zoro....then its because he thinks Zoro doesnt love him and he just wanted to try loving someone else-

Zoro POV
"I....will try...." I said..... I dont really wanna see him with someone else then me. The Fact that i love him and i know him for like 3years and he fells in love with girl he hardly knows...."Its 5am we're going to the town at 9am so be ready" he smiled and pulled away from the hug. "Okay...ima go training for now" i said as i got up but he held me by my wrist. "No look at the condition you're in, you're gonna rest for now ^^" he gaved me a big warm smile And left. "What should i do?...." i whispered to myself... I didnt even noticed that i sat there for 2 Hours it was now 7am. I got up and i dressed into black shorts, black shirt and yellow-orange glasses. I looked what time it is after i dressed up. It was 7:38... I was dressing for too long. I heard someone going to my room so i forced smile and was waiting till someone walks in. Who do u think it was?... SANJI ofcourse!...

Sanji POV
"change of plans, change of plans!" i yelled. "What do you mean?-" Zoro mumbled. "Well if we're going to see that boy first and i quess that will take some time so we Will head out at now its 7:42 so in 18minutes i wanna se you waiting on the deck..." I said and walked to the deck waiting.

Zoro POV
"W-WHAT?".... "i dont have a plan yet!".... "should i tell him?... I guess...maybe...he cares... And he well refuse me but still be ok with me... Hah yeah lets Hope" for the rest 15minutes i had i was thinking About ways how to tell him... Yeah one cool idea came up to my mind and i will try it... >~<


Nobody POV

Zoro came to the deck and saw Sanji already waiting. "Oh hey Sanji..!" Zoro said. "Yo marimo!" said Sanji and smiled warmly. Zoro replied with warm smile too. They headed out to the island. "Well where does he live?" Sanji asked. "Just follow me" Zoro said and was walking in the town... He headed to one shop and walked in "Come on here". So Sanji walked up to him. "So?.."... "Look there he is!" Zoro shouted pointing on the mirror reflecting Sanji. Sanji looked where he was pointing and slightly blushed as buterflies escaped his stomach. "Its you.. Sorry..." Zoro said with low confidence... "Why are you..." Zoro feared another word ".. Sorry?" Zoro looked at Sanji as Sanji smiled "U dumbass i.. I though u really love somw boy... I.. I..." Sanji said with tears of happinies and hugged Zoro tightly... Zoro's eyes filled wuth tears of happinies too...

//Lol idk how to feel... i feel like its cringe does anybody even read these?...

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