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Sanji POV
"So did you made up your mind and are you gonna tell me whats wrong ...Zoro?" I said with sweet and worried voice. I looked at him but he was still looking only at the floor. I saw his eyes are full of sadness, pain and regret.

Zoro POV
I sat there quietly. Looking at the floor. My heart beating faster and faster. My neck in pain. Mess in my head. "I..." Thats the only thing i could say...my voice didnt do as i said...i couldnt speak... Then i gulped and finally was able to speak.. "Im..sorry....i dont feel like telling you.....or telling anyone...i just" i said with cracks in my voice as tears filled my eyes. "I just dont want anyone to know...it will be over soon.." i said as i faked smile.

Sanji POV
"it will be over soon??" I repeated but as question. "What do you mean by ...'It will be over soon'? Tell me you Moss-head or i aint going anywhere" i said and in my head was two oponions how he meant it 'He's just ill and he will get better soon' or...'he will die' ...thinking about the second oponion maked me wanna cry...i holded it in though...

Zoro POV
What am i supposed to say?! I asked myself as my heart started beating faster... My heavy breathing got worse , tears fillig my eyes and slowly falling from my face ... How can... How can i lie...what if he finds out.. im about to... DIE ?... I asked myself again... "Give me 2 day and im gonna...be okay..i promise" i said hoping he will believe me "i know you're lying Zoro-Kun " he said...i was shocked... "Im..telling the truth...you may not believe me but i do now get out befo-" i couldn't even say it and i  passed out from all the stress.

Sanji POV
I dont trust him...i dont trust sibgle word he said... I wad thinking about it in my head... But if he lying does he..... Is he really going to die?.. from what?!?.. i was asking nyself... Then i looked at him felling unconsiounus from the bed in nerly catched him before hitting the floor. "Chopper!!" I yelled as i slowly putted Zoro on his bed and unlocked the door. "Chopper! Zoro..just passed out!!" I yelled again. Now i saw Chopper runing towards his room.

Chopper runned towards Zoros room with his medical bag . Hoping it wont be tgat bad. Sanji was standing by the door . He was worried. On first sight you couldnt tell... but he really was. He felt quilty for that... He was the one who pushed Zoro to tell him. He just hoped he will be okay. He was looking at Chopper who was checking Zoro.

Chopper POV
I was  on Zoros bed and i was checking him. I looked in his eyes with light that was okay. They maybe was little red but ut was because of his bad sleeping routines. Then i checked inside his mouth. Everthing okay in there too. I checked his fever. He had 39° fever. I was shocked. I puted cold tissue on his forehead. "Can you Wait here until he wakes up Sanji?" I asked... Because i saw Sanji was worried so it will be better if he stayed. "Sure i can" Said Sanji. "Okay if the cold tissues will get warmer just take it under cold water for while and then put it back on his forehead , understood?" . "Okay i understand Chopper , no need to worry" Sanji said . After packing back my medical thingies i left the room.

Sanji POV
I sat there silently. Checking on the tissue on his forehead after while. I felt like my world stopped ... I was looking at his face... It wasnt white anymore...he didnt looked that pale... He looked...pretty seriously he looked pretty cute when he was asleep. I shook my head. Wtf am i thinking. Im not gay+ i have somebody... After while i checked on the tissue again and i took it of and took it under cold water to make it cold again. I came back and placed it on his forehead again. Maybe it was little bit more colder then it was supposed to be because he had little 'Tic' or hoe to call it  in his face. It looked funny but cute at the same time. I giggled looking at him. Now i had the chance after almost 3 years we knew eachother i got to pat his head. I placed my hand on his green hair and started stroking his hair. His hairs were so soft to touch. I didnt want to stop stroking them, but then i saw him opening his eye. I fastly removed my hand.

Zoro POV
I passed out. Thats what i remember. I was just waking up and i felt someone stroking my hair. It felt comfrontable. I opened my eye to see whos the one touching and stroking my hair. I saw the Cook fastly removing his hand from my hair. "Why did u stop?" I said in half asleep tone. He looked at me confused. He slowly put his hand on my hair and stroked my hair again.
"Thank you" i said with weak smile. "No need to thanks..im just glad that you're okay ^^" he said. Did he really worry about me that much?... I asked myself again.

Sanji POV
I was surprised that he didnt mind me stroking his hair or he even liked it. "Should i stay or go away?" i asked. "Stay..please" he said with weak smile again. "You dont need to tell me anymore if u dont want to, okay? I quess i was pushing on you little bit too much" i said with nervous laugh. "I-its okay..i might tell you...but im not sure...because ..you might leave me after that and thats what im scared of." He said with tired and scared voice. It made me think about it. "You will not loose me whatever it is. Im not gonna leave. I like you too much to do that you dumbass" i laughed. "I mean as a friend..haha" i laughed nervously again. Uuf i almost said it out loud-.. "Only..as friend?" He asked sadly-

//yo yo guys- for some reason it deleted half of it so i hope this will work

U wanna kill me huh?~ ZoSan Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin