What is that feeling?

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Sanji POV
"only as...a friend?" Zoro said. It sounded sad. What did he meant by that? ....i started having really deep thoughs about what he said, when i looked up at him he was sleeping again. "dumbass" i said as i gigled. I got up from the chair. "Good night you stray marimo" i said as i walked out of his room. After that i checked up how are we with the food in fridge because Luffy always... literally ALWAYS eats all of the food in the fridge... I sigh and look inside the fridge. Its still there? How? "I holded him back Sanji-Kun because he would eat everything before we even leave this island" said Nami-san with proud smirk on her face. "Thank you Nami-SWAAAAN" i started "dancing" around her happily. "Luffy's asleep now so we can go sleep too...and Usopp is on watch tonight". "okay Nami-swannn good night" i said as i "danced" away from her into my room. I jumped to my bed and i fell asleep fast.


I woke up as i heard someone yelling "Aaahhh He's Gonee ;0;" it was Choppers voice. I got up quickly hoping its not about the food. I walked straight to the place where Chopper screamed from. "Oi Chopper what's the matter?" I asked quietly. Chopper turned around with tears in eyes "Zoro's gone ...he maybe only went on walk but he will get lost and never will be able to get back!!" he yelled. "Sheesh that marimo is such a trouble" i said "didnt you saw him anywhere on ship or near the ship?". "no i did not i looked all around the ship and i everyones room and in every place on Sunny go but he's nowhere to be found." Chopper said more calmy now. "Are his katana's here?" I asked knowing if he left on his own they won't be there. "No they're not" Chopper said calmed down. "Then he's okay he only went for walk, im gonna go look for him , you go to sleep Chopper ^^" i said i went down to the beach looking around the ship and then i was walking at the beach forna while. I heard some noize. It was heavy breathing. More like panting. I went closer tosee what it was. I saw him. He was holding his neck and strugling to breath. I fastly walked up to him. "Oi Marimo you okay?" I asked with worry. He just looked at me and his eyes were filled with fear. "Cant you even anwser you stray marimo" i said pissed off. He didnt say a word. He was panting and holding his neck. "You...go away...go away please...ur making...it only worse.." Zoro said catching his breath. "What do you mean? I cant leave you here when you can almost breath!" I said pissed off by his anwser. "I will b-be okay..as long as you leave me alone" he said with weak smile. "Okay i give you 20min i will be back by then" i said and i went to Sunny go.

Zoro POV
He came up to me in the worst time. Seeing him only made it worse. I strugled to breath even more while he was there. "Give me a break already....i just want to die soon...nothing i can do about it huh?" I said quietly to myself. In a luttle while i fell asleep. After a little while i felt someone glaring at me. I opened my eye and looked up. I saw that cook siting next to me and glaring at me nicely. "Oh, you're awake ^^!" He said with a nice tone. "Glad you feel better Zoro" he said with a nice tone again. "Mhm, of course" i mumled and rolled my eyes even tho butterflies filled my stomach. He cares a lot about me...maybe... But it makes me happy. "Let's go to sunny okay? I dont want you to get lost on the way back" he teased. "I want to be there a little longer, come back for me later please" i said with little smile on my face. "Can't i stay?" He asked with puppy eyes looking at me. "N-No i want to be alone Sanji" i replied. "Ugh jesus fine i'll be there in 20 minutes?" He more like asked than said that. "Okay 20minutes" i replied with little smile.

Sanji POV
I had a little conversation with that Marimo guy. He sent me Away for the 2nd time. And they ask why dont we get along. When i try to have little conversation he sends me away or yell at me or he fights me -.- . Kind of annyoing you know. For the 2nd time i decided to wait somewhere near so i can see and hear him but he cant. I was curious what he was doing here you know im not a stalker or anything like that. "If only he knew" Zoro said and sighed. I heard him pretty good. "Is he talking about me?" I asked myself. "But thats nonsence he would kick my ass or break the kind of realitionship we have now..." He said with little ironic and sad laugh. "Sanji...can i tell him? Or ..." . "He's really talking about me!" I said to myself but i didnt hear that what he said after. I wish i did. I was looking at him from some kind of bush or something. He was just lying there then he coughed. I didnt saw in his face i just saw his back you know. After 20minutes passed i got up and walked up to him. "Oi, Zoro time's up!" I said like some show reporter. "Okay shall we get going then?" He said with tired voice. We decided to go. He stood up and he walked right next to me like a zombie. Is he that sleepy? How long was he there before i found him? "Marimo how long were you even there on the beach?" I asked out of nowhere. "Whole night" Zoro anwsered quietly. "What were you even doing on the beach?" I hoped for truthfull or normal anwser. "Nothing in particular" Zoro anwsered like dumba$$.

//Welp sorry guys for the long wait or if its kind of cringe but you know i was almost at the end of this chapter but my phone just died and  i was only able to save about 230 words :'3 so ima sorry.

U wanna kill me huh?~ ZoSan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora