The Boy - Chapter 1

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There was a large smash, the young girl turned just in time to see the boy who had leapt through the top floor window of a two story building stand up unharmed and turn right into a small alleyway beside the shop she and her big sister were standing across from. The little girl couldn't believe that she seemed to be the only one who had noticed the pink haired boy. Police ran in the wrong direction in search of the boy and she found herself leaving her big sisters side and walking towards the alley unnoticed. . .

Or so she thought. She couldn't see the boy in the dark alleyway. He was gone. Why did she try to follow him anyway? She heard a bang and turned quickly expecting to see the boy. She froze as she saw the two men who must have followed her into the alley. One of the men started backing her against the filthy wall of the isolated dark alley. "HELP," she screamed at the top of her lungs, but it was no use she was too deep into the dark alley to be seen or heard and anyone on the streets must have been oblivious to the criminal men in the alley. She may have been nine but that didn't mean she knew nothing of the world, she knew what they would do to her. The monster in front of her covered her mouth with his large sweaty hand, pinned her hand to the wall watching her struggle and whispered in a sickening voice. "Bad move you little brat." The monstrosity grinned, his dirt covered face producing the most horrid grin. For a moment she wondered where his equally atrocious friend had gone, until she felt a large, worn hand make its way in between her legs he slowly groped the small body causing the dress to rip, she screamed and all of a sudden tears escaped her eyes. She slammed her eyes closed, shutting out the pain and fear. She couldn't remember why she had left her sisters side. A flash of bright light and the smell of ash was what got the young girl back to her senses.

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