Holding Hands - Chapter 16

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Natsu's POV

"Gray," I heard Luce say into the phone, why didn't she call him Dad? She was crying on the phone as she explained exactly what happened to her dad. The guy on the floor was now unconscious, my doing! When she got off the phone I wrapped my arms around her, "I never want you to set foot in another alleyway alone again."

"What?" she laughed. I placed my lips on hers, the feeling already natural to me, this time she didn't try to run. "Luce, I love you." I smiled as she blushed slightly "I love you too," she admitted for the second time today. "Your too cute to be walking into alleyways, you always get attacked, Plus," I said making her look at me, "You've got me now, don't go sulking around in alleyways." She smiled at me, I had just made us official. "Does that mean, your my boyfriend now?" she giggled and I kissed her in response.

I heard sirens and we broke apart, I held her hand as her dad came walking towards us with a evil look on his face "Where's the culprit?" he asked almost shaking with anger. Luce pointed to were he lay unconscious and bloody on the floor. All of a sudden Gray pulled me off to the side and smiled "Thank you for protecting Lucy and beating that little prick up because otherwise I would have lost my job for doing it instead." I smiled back a little then asked "I couldn't stop myself, If I had been here a second later. . ." Natsu dreaded to think about what might have happened to Luce.

Luce grabbed my hand after Gray had shoved the culprit into the police car, Gray noticed this but instead of being angry he winked at me which made me remember what he had said in the cafe;
"You know, I wouldn't mind if my daughter went out with someone like you, someone I know, I'm just scared she's gonna end up going out with someone who's bad for her, you know,"

"Take good care of her," he said driving off in the police car.

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