My Heart

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We walked in McDonalds. The guys wanted to order so I sat down. I felt weird sitting their alone with those oversize guy clothes but I tried to think of something else. I thought of the Skills Competition tomorrow but I couldn't ask the question which Team I would prefer to win...maybe Team Toews ? I didn't know.

The guys came back. Tyler, Duncs, Seabs, Toews, Kaner...nearly all of them wear carrying two plates of food. "Who the fuck is supposed to eat all this ?", I said shocked. "Seabs wanted to get even more but I could stop him.", Toews said. I looked at Seabs. "What ?", he asked. I laughed "Nothing"

I had to realise that the food had really been nearly too less because these hockey players were eating like bulldozers. I had eaten a TS and was sharing some fries with Tyler while stealing a nugget now and then from Seabs who was trying to slap my fingers but never catched them because he was too busy eating that giant burger. You know those kind of burgers you see in commercials and your like who the heck will eat this giant shit ?... you know hockey players do.

Kaner had been really quiet the first half of the evening but then he opened up a bit and talked more which made the whole situation feel more confortable.

After the guys had eaten everything I tried to get them out the restaurant without ordering even more food which wasn't easy.

We got into the two cars again. One with Kaner, Tyler and Toews driving. The other with Seabs, me and Duncs driving.

They were all already in the cars when Tyler and I said our goodbyes, he handed me a napkin he had scribbled his number on and gave me a kiss on the cheek again.

I jumped into the car and Duncs started it. "So what is this between you and Segs ?", he asked.

"W-What do ya mean ?", I asked him.

"He kissy-kissed you on the cheek, you danced, he nearly smashed Duncs arm when they were throwing you into the pool.", Seabs said. "Yes...yes he did that.", Duncs said with played hurt while rubbing his arm.

"T-there's nothing", I was happy it was dark outside cuz I felt blushing but I knew they wouldn't let me get away with that. "Yes I kinda like him...I guess."  I said before they could continue with their questions...I just knew them in personal since a few hours but they were already treating me like their little sister...that fact made me really happy to be honest.

"You know that Kaner has layed an eye on you too ?", Dunc said. "What ?", I shouted. "Don't tell us you didn't know that !" "I didn't...well maybe I could." I was so dumb....the whole thing when he came up to me before Ovie had interrupted our conversation....dang I was dumb. "No need to worry ! He realised that you seem to be more interested into Segs." "Oh yes ?" "He'll get over it...just be nice to him...but not too nice !", Seabs said.  It became a bit quiet and Duncs turned on the radio. 'I want you back' by the Jackson 5 was on and we all began suddenly to sing out loud when the chorus hit.

"Oh baby give me one more Chance
Won't you please let me...back in your heart.
Oh darling I was blind to let you go
But now since I see you in his arms
I want you back. Uh uh baby"

It was great fun and we laughed our asses off. I asked myself if the others had fun too...but then we arrived and I had to get out of the car. "We'll text you", Duncs said. "How'd you get my number ?", I asked. "Seabs" "That boss I talked to gave it to know I'm adorable." "Yeah sure", I laughed. "See ya guys" They waved at me and then drove away.

I put on my pjs and jumped in my bed checking if I got any new messages. I got one from Seabs saying that they would pick me up at 10 am tomorrow. I also got one of Tyler, I felt my heart beating faster.

Hey Sam,

I really enjoyed today.
Can't wait to see ya tomorrow at the SC.

Sleepwell and Goodnight

This guy knew how to make my  heart melt.

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