Sleep over

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Tyler opened the door and both in a hurry we ran upstairs to Team Toew's lockerroom. My phone was still laying there on the floor right next to the door where I had waited for someone to come out. "Got it ?", he asked. "Yeah" "Then let's go !", he said and took my hand before we both went out of the building again and jumped back in the car.

"Oh fuck we still got the key", I realized. Without any explanaition Tyler drove back to the Security men and stopped infront of the little house he sat in. The guy came out again and Tyler cranked down the car window "Thanks for your help", he said with his best smile and handed the guy his keys back. The security man was so out of his mind that he couldn't reply anything and we could easily drive away.

I laughed my ass off "That was unvelievable !!! Have you seen that guy's face ???" "Yeah it was priceless ! You could really see him thinking 'wtf is going on here ?'" "I think he had an immense inner struggle if he should call the police now or congratulate us for being so smart and badass"

A little bit later we went back in Tyler's hotel room, but instead of noise and party we found a bunch of hockey players laying all over the floor sleeping like little babys. I saw Tyler opening his mouth to yell something to wake them up but I layed a finger on my lips "Sssh ! Let them sleep, they're so cute. Look...", I said pointing on Kaner who was laying there cuddling with the wii wheel. "Awwwh", Tyler made.

We sat down on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me "Look at our babys....they've grown so fast", he sighed. "Hopefully no one of them shitted on the floor.", I replied. "Have I told you that you're the most disgusting girl I know ?", he whispered in my ear. "Well....thanks...I guess ?", I said and blushed a bit.

I looked up from the sleeping guys on the floor and found Tyler's eyes right above me. His eyes were of that beautiful dark brown, I couldn't help but to get lost in them. He didn't say anything anymore and just looked back into my eyes with that look I had never seen on them before "What are you thinking about ?", I asked him. Again, refusing an answer, I saw something blaze up in his eyes for a short time before he layed a finger under my chin to lift it up while moving his face slowly towards mine. And again, our lips were just inches away from each other when we got hit by a pillow which was thrown directly in our faces. I backed up and looked through the room, but whoever threw the pillow was really good at hiding that he was still awake.

Tyler and I were smiling at each other. Suddenly I got more and more tired and cuddled myself more into Tyler's arms. "Are you tired ?", he asked tipping on my nose. "Me ? No.", I yawned. The next thing I knew was me sinking slowly into a deep sleep and Tyler putting a blanket over me.


Tyler's POV

"You two love birds better wake up now !" "Heh ?", I yawned. It was Duncan. "How much is it ?" "9" "Alright" I looked at Sam, she was still sleeping in my arm....did we lay the whole night here like this ? I shoved her gently away so I could get up and help Duncan to wake up all the other guys who were still sleeping. "Wake up", I said shoving Ovie with my foot. I think he called me some mean russian name...but I don't speak Russian. Duncan woke up Johnny and in his best Captain Serious way, he adviced all the other guys to quietly leave the room and go into their own to take a shower.

"Hey the roomservice already put your food infront of the door. Should I put it on the table in the kitchen ?", it was Seabs. "Yeah sure...thanks dude", I said. I watched him carrieng the food in the kitchen. On his way back to the door, he turned around a last time "And Tyler...." "Yeah ?" "Remember....I see everything. Okay ?", he blinked and left, leaving me with an open mouth.


Sam's POV

"Sam ? Hey Sam. Wake up", I heard Tyler's soft voice. "Mhmm? ", I opened my eyes and yawned, "Good Morning Mr Super Seguin"
He laughed.

"Where are all of the other guys ?", I asked. "They left a few minutes ago", he replied, "You want some breakfast ?" "Sure....could I maybe use your toilet before ?" "'s right there", he pointed to a door. I surely wasn't the typical girl who cares immensly about her look, but I didn't want to look like total shit now that I was alone with Tyler. I looked in the mirror and realised that I was still wearing his jersey, I turned around to read the letters on the back of it. SEGUIN. Samantha Lee that would sound ? STOP IT SAM !!!! I adviced myself, that would never happen anyway....but it brought me to the next question....were we a couple now ? I mean he kissed me, we broke into the building together yesterday, we were holding hands, I fell asleep in his arms.....I think this is what you call a relationship right ?

I went back in the kitchen and found Tyler on a table full of food "I'd love to brag now and say that I made you breakfast...but it was brought by the room service." I smiled and sat down "You're such a huge let down Tyler" "Oh but you aren't", he replied and leant more over the table, closer to me, "Nice jersey by the way" "Thanks" He took a Sandwich with cheese and so did I.

"So what is your explanaition ?", he wanted to know. "For what ?" "For how we act ?" "Umm I don't know." "So you would consider me to be a friend ? I mean that's what you said to your mom", there was defenitly a bit of irony in his voice. "Ehhmm...I would consider you a good friend." "A good friend ?" "An awesome friend !", I replied. "Like a boyfriend ?", he asked. "Mhmm maybe", I laughed.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep here.", I excused. "Oh I didn't mind...still don't", he said. It got quiet....but before it could get embarassing Tyler said "I know who threw the pillow...." "Who was it ?" "Seabs...." "That smells like...." "....Revenge", he ended my sentence.

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