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This is a story of a girl named Zara Frost , who is a teenage girl lived in New York .

Students : hey Zara!

Zara : hey!
(Well I am a girl who lived a secret life of super hero named "Frost" .
And I have two friends who knows I am a superhero, Andy and Mary .)

Zara : Hey Mary, Andy, how are you guys ?

Andy : great!

Mary : As always .

Andy : Zara, did you arrest the robbers on Baker street?

Zara : yeah .

Mary : why didn't you join a job like SHIELD , like spiderman?

Zara : well that's a risk . I will try it after I become older.

(Bell rings )

Andy : well , it's time to class , see you later guys .

Mary : yeah bye guys .

Zara : bye.

(Lunch break )

Andy: what did you have from home Zara?

Zara : Just sandwich.
What did you get from canteen?

Andy : nothing....hey did that boy on the near table is seeing me?

Mary : yeah he's following you for two weeks , he's a new one .

Zara : not so good .
What are you going to do Andy?

Andy : I don't know. I will think about it later.

(Zara's phone ringing)

Zara : hello . What , is someone in front of my house ? Ok I will be there on 10 minutes .
Sorry guys I have to go . Bye.

Andy : bye Zara see you later .

Mary : bye .

(Taking the bicycle)

Zara : they were said some one is in front of my house . But there is no one.

(Someone is behind her..., and everything just stop)

(Waking )

Zara : ah ..ahh..ouch ..where am I? Who tight up me?

Stranger : Don't worry , you're safe now .

Zara : what?! , who are you?

Fury : Nick Fury , Director of SHIELD.

Zara : Fury?

Fury : Yes Ms . Frost.

Zara : Why did you bring me here like this ?

Fury : I want you to be in my team ?

Zara : Me ? On the team? Why ? I am just a normal girl.

Fury : what ? You are a normal person ? I know you are the " Frost " .

Zara : Me ? " Frost" ? How?

Fury : Maybe you will accept it by seeing this .

Zara : oh God how did you keep the camera there? On the end of the street ?

Fury : well we learn it from spiderman.

Zara : ok now you know I am "Frost" . Release me from this !

What can I do for you now?

Fury : I want you to be my super hero .

Zara : ok ok I will .

Fury : well your training will start from tomorrow , don't forget.


Frost  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now