"History of the Blue Trio"

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(In the school)

Andy : Did you find the magic word, Scott?

Scott : Nope .

Zara : There is no need for that Andy , I told him about everything . Now we have to make a plan to change Clara .

Scott : What do you know about her power, you two ?

Zara : Her powers are quite different from ours .

Scott : Ours?

Andy : Yeah, do you know about the Blue Trio ?

Scott : yeah , they are famous. I heard that on the News papers .

Andy : That's us .

Scott : what ?!

Zara : yeah .. stop your shock .

Scott : You , Andy and Clara ?

Andy : No not Clara .
Her elder sister.... Carol .

Scott : oh . So do you have special powers ?

Zara : Yeah .
Andy can track anyone from anywhere.
I can do anything as I want , example what happen in the case on sandman, my water form barrier.
And Carol can save  or change anyone's mind .
Clara's power is connected to her mind , if she is a good minded her powers will be light and powerful , but if her mind is filled with darkness she will become a villian . These are all only special powers , our Ideal power are different too.

Scott : Tell it , I am very eager to hear it .

Zara : Mine is Ice , Andy's is Air and Carol's is water and That's why we are all called as the "Blue Trio".

Scott : So what do we do now ?

Andy : we can't change her mind , we don't have Carol .

Zara  : we have to do something .

(Communicator signal)

Zara : Oh no not again .

Scott : What happen ?

Zara : It's Trapster again.
Let's go.

Be safe Andy , if you need any assistance call me .

Andy : Sure Zara .

(Zara and Andy hug each other )

Zara : Be safe .

(Zara and Scott left the place and the school is ended.
Andy came home and there Clara is sitting on the chair )

Andy : Clara ?!

Clara : Yes Andy , it's me (said in a villian tone).

Andy : What are you doing here ?
(Andy is distracting Clara and making a call to Zara )

Clara : For what purpose , I will come here , huh?

(Zara is taking the call , Andy put the call in speaker)

Clara : I am here to kill you .

(Zara is hearing from the phone)

Andy : You can change Clara , this is not you !

Clara : No this is me , you and Zara will pay for what you have done to my Sister !

(In fear Andy drop her phone)

Zara : Andy ! ANDY !

(Clara is taking the phone and reply)

Clara  : Hello Zara , no long seeing ! If you want her come and get her .

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