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(Inside the city)

Frost : woooh... not bad hydro !

Fire Fist : How do we gonna defeat him ?

Frost : Let me think of it !

(Hydroman is attacking both of them.and they are escaping from those attacks)

Fire Fist : ah...Faster Frost .

Frost : Follow my lead ! You distract him while I will try to freeze him .

Fire Fist : Got it !

(Scott is distracting him and Zara is going to hydroman's back.)

Frost : Let's Freeze him up.

(Zara is using the ice blast and froze him up)

Frost : Finished off.

Fire Fist : Pound it !

Frost : um?

Fire Fist: aha ah .

Frost : SHIELD this is Frost we finished hydroman .
We need to go to school.

Fire Fist : See you there Frosty !

Frost : Let's see it .

(On the school)

Andy: How did your day is going on?

Zara : Not so good !

Mark : Excuse me , my name is Mark McCoy .

Zara : yes,  what do you want from me ?

Mark : Can I talk to you, privately?

Zara : yeah , sure .

(On the courtyard of the school)

Mark : Can you help me ?

Zara : How?

Mark : I want details about your friend !

Zara : why?

Mark :

Zara : Answers ?

Mark : I am in love with her .

Zara : WHAT?!

Mark : yes please help me !

Zara : But I can't .

Mark : why ?

Scott : Hey buddy ! What's up Mark ?

Mark : I just ask her to help me in my love , but she says refused.

Scott : Hey Frost be careful with your words .

Zara : That means you help him .

Scott : ok that's it .

Andy : wait Zara !

(Zara is coming out of the courtyard and sitting on the stadium )

Harry: Edward this is your chance !

Edward: No Harry I can't do it !

Harry : Believe in yourself man .

Edward : Are you sure ?

Harry : yes man see there on your right side .

Edward : why ?

Harry : see man everyone is wishing to be there lover .

Edward : ok I will try .

Harry : ok go man .

(Edward is going to talk to Zara)

Frost  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now