Blue Carnage

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(In the School )

(Students are surrounded in the courtyard)

Zara : What's that Mary ?

Mary : I guess we will find out !

(Scott and Harry having a serious conversation )

Harry : Frost is the best superhero and the Fire Fist is the worst one !

Scott : Hey I do know Frost is the best and Fire Fist is also the best!

Zara : What's happening here?

Edward : Zara !

(Scott gave a jealous look on Zara and Edward)

Edward : Zara what are you doing here ?

Zara : That's what I am here to ask !
What are you guys doing here ?

Harry : Scott says that Fire Fist is the best too.

Zara : I'm sure he is right Harry .

Harry : What ?!

Zara : Yes! Frost can defeat the villians , but not without the help of Fire Fist .

(Scott is wonder of Zara's answer )

Harry : I don't believe in Scott but I believe in you Zara .

Zara : Thank you for your word Harry .

Harry : Edward you will be late for class .

Edward : Oh no I am late, I have to go bye .

Zara : Bye !

Edward : Bye Zara see you on Geography !

Scott : Seriously are you talking to him now itself ?

Zara : yes what's the problem ?

Scott : No nothing . (In a rush voice )

Zara : Are you jealous?

Mary : I think he is !

(Scott left the place without a word )

Zara : Hey !!!
Why is he doing like that ?

Mary : let's leave him alone for sometime.

(In the Geography class )

Teacher : Students I am going to give assignments to you all , according to the groups....

Mary : Oh great !
(In a bad mood )

Teacher : Ms . Thomas and Mr.Jackman a group .

Scott and Mary : What ?!

(Zara is laughing on the both Mary and Scott )

Scott : Hey this is not a joke !

Mary : Yeah Zara stop laughing !

Zara : Ok ok .

(Teacher is doing the groupings )

(Edward is writing in his diary )

Edward : please I want Zara to be in my group !

Teacher : And at last Mr. McCallister and Ms.Frost .

Zara : 😲 ("oh no" in mind voice )

Edward : Thank you god !

(Harry is seeing Edward )

Teacher : Class dismissed .

(Students are all getting out of the class except Scott, Mary and Zara )

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