The New Guy

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(Morning melodies)

(Phone rings)

Zara : Hello .. what ?! Ok I will be in 10 min. Ok ? Bye

How I am be so stupid . OMG  It's 7: 50 am  . Ah..

(Ready for school)

(Phone rings )

Zara : hello . Yeah ,yeah I am ready . Can you come to my house , Andy? Ok I will wait on the front.

(Andy comes)

Andy: why are you awake up so later  , you have never been so late you know?

Zara : yeah , it's nothing because of the training.

Andy : That means , the trainings are hard , right?

Zara : yeah

Andy : well did Fury told about your partner in your team ?

Zara : Yeah , he told me his name was "Scott Jackman" .

Andy : so did he come to our school today?

Zara : I don't know about it.
Let's see it .

(School bell rings )

Andy : well now we are in the school ,Zara.

Zara : Did I tell you we are in the zoo? Stop it Andy I know.

(A strange boy is asking about something to the students)

Boy : Excuse me , can you tell me who is Zara Frost ?

Student: there you can see her.

Boy: Thank you.

Andy : can you see that boy?

Zara : yeah , so what?

Andy : I think he is Scott Jackman.

Zara : Are you sure?

Andy : I am not sure but I think he is .

Zara : ok let's wait here.

Boy : Excuse me , can you help to find Zara Frost ?

Zara : Are you asking me?

Boy : yes !

Zara : well I am Zara Frost , what do you want from me?

Boy : well the new principal ask you to see you.

Zara : what ? The new Principal ?

Boy : yes , you may better hurry.

Zara  : ok . Thank you for the information. Can I know your name?

Boy : Kevin.

Zara :  well Thank you Kevin. Andy I have to go , I will see you soon.

Andy : bye Zara!

(On the principal's room)

Zara : Excuse me sir , did you asked me to see you?

Principal : oh yes Ms. Frost , come in.

Zara : sir can I know the reason for this ?

Principal: I am just call you to say that your scholarship continues , don't worry about it .

Zara: that's it sir?

Principal : yes ! And an another thing, you can ask excuse to leave the school anytime .

Zara : Really ?!

Principal : yes in the order of you boss.

Zara : Wait can I ask you a question?

Principal : yes .

Zara : Are you a SHIELD agent ?

Principal: yes I am . And you can call me as Agent Steve.

Zara: ok and thank you sir for your permission.

(SHIELD Headquarters)

Zara : Director Fury you told me that my partner will on the school today ? But I didn't saw him.

Fury : well he can't come to your school today but you can see him now.

Zara: Really ?

Fury : yes on the training room.

(Training is on )

Fury : you can see after  he finishes his test.
Zara may I introduce Scott Jackman.

Zara : it's good to see you Scott.

Scott : Same to you Zara .

Fury : Now two of you come to my room.

(On Fury's room)

Fury : Zara ,tell me about your skills and powers .

Zara : First of all I am a witch , and a normal super hero .
I have skills in technology,  and hacking systems.

Fury : well your skills are quite good.
Scott now it's your turn .

Scott : I will melt anything with my fire power . I am a good warrior and a hard worker. That's all I have .

Fury : you two are a perfect match...

Zara : Fury I have to tell you that I have an another power too .

Fury : what is it, Zara?

Zara: I have ice powers too.

Scott : Really !?

Fury : well it's time to give your communicators .

Scott : How does it work ?

Zara : Really you don't know Scott?

Scott : yeah.

Zara : Ok I will teach to you later on the school .
Don't worry i we have more free time in school.


Frost  Season 1Where stories live. Discover now