Chapter 24

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The next day the rest of Fifth Harmony and Mindless Behavior walked into Dinah's room and were met with an empty bed and no Chresanto. They frantically ran to the nurses station.

"Where is Dinah Jane Hansen?!?!"

"And the boy that was with her?!" Jacob/Princeton added.

"Oh those two lovebirds, they went to the up to the cafeteria for breakfast," Nurse Jackson told them.

"They??? As in both, walked to the cafeteria?" Ally questioned.

"Well, not necessarily. As per protocol Dinah had to be taken in a wheel chair," Nurse jackson explained as he typed something into his computer.

"Wait so Chres just wheeled Dinah to the cafeteria, and you guys said nothing?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, she needs an actual meal anyway, poor thing she looks like a twig," Nurse Jackson responded.

"But she can't eat!" Camila exclaimed.

"Wait, why?" There nurse asked.

"She's in a coma?!?!" Elijah stated.

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you guys not know that Dinah woke up?"-

"Woke up!!!" They all yelled, except Lauren and Craig/Prodigy.

"Well I kinda figuired she woke up after he said they went down for breakfast, I mean it was kind of obvious," Craig/Prodigy pointed out.

"I figured it out too," Lauren added.

"Babe! You couldn't tell me?!" Jacob/Princeton replied.

"I wanted to see how long it would take you guys," she said with a smirk.

"Stop flirting you two! We've got to find them! In case you didn't hear Dinah's awake!" Normani yelled.

"Right, right, right! Let's go! Where's the cafeteria?" Lauren asked.

"2 floors up, and then after that there should be signs to guide you."

"Ok thanks!" Everyone said as they ran to the elevator.

They all crammed into the elevator. As it hit the floor they were waiting for, they all ran out and followed the signs to the cafeteria. They ran into the cafeteria causing most everyone to stare at them in confusion except for the 2 people they were looking for. They scanned the room until they found Dinah and Roc who were sitting in a corner eating, talking, laughing, etc.

The 8 ran over to them and they gave Dinah a big group hug, interrupting her date with Chresanto.


"You're all better!" Normani cheered.


"Dinah! Don't you ever scare me like that again," Lauren chastised.

"My baby is alright!" Ally added.

"DJ we knew you'd make it."-Raquan/Ray Ray said responding for all of MB.

They let her go and stood up. Dinah smiled, "Hi, You all seem very nice, but do I know you?!"

They all looked at her in shock, then back at Chresanto who was stifling back laughter. Then Dinah busted out laughing!!! The two groups look so confused.

"The look on your faces was priceless!"

That's when everybody got what was happening. Dinah pranked them into thinking she had amnesia!

"Dinah! Not funny!" Camila pouted.

"Not cool DJ," EJ said.

Lauren slapped Dinah's arm, hard!


"Don't ever do that again! Now come here!" Lauren said as she gave Dinah another big hug.

See that's the thing about Lauren. Everyone thinks she's this beautiful bad ass chick who's so hardcore and has minimal emotion, but the truth was she was an outrageously beautiful girl who had such a big heart that wasn't easy to get into, but once you were it was really hard to leave because Lauren would always love you and care for you and basically do anything for you, and that's when you'd get to see her emotional side.

Dinah smiled and hugged her back, "Sorry, Lolo. You know me and my pranks."

Lauren smiled. Then she let go of Dinah and then the rest each gave her an individual hug.

"Nice to see you guys to," Chresanto said.

They all turned to Roc. Ally walked up to him and slapped him up side the head.

"Ow. What was that for?!"

"You said you would call me if anything happened, and guess what? Something happened! She woke up!"

"Oh yeah, sorry," he chuckled.

"Sorry! Boy you lucky you're making Dinah smile right now, or I'd-"

"Ally," Normani interrupted clearly amused at the eldest girl's reaction.

Ally turned to Normani.

"It's a happy occasion, lets remember Jesus today," Mani said sarcastically.

"Fine..." Ally whined, "Dinah how could you not call us that you were awake?!"

"I don't know, me and Chres just had a lot of catching up to do," she said as she held Chresanto's hand from across the table.

Everyone looked at them in shock.

"Wait..." Craig skepticized.

"Are you guys together, again?" Normani asked.

"Well you know, I convinced her we were better together," he said as he winked at Dinah.

"Oh my god, you did not just say that!" Lauren laughed.

"You're so not cool," Dinah said with a smirk.

"Doesn't matter as long as I got you," he said as he flashed a smile.


"Relationship Goals!" Camila said as she quickly glanced at Rayan/Ray Ray.

"Wait, have you told you're parents yet?" Ally asked,

Chresanto and Dinah exchanged worried glances.

"Ha! You haven't called her parents yet!" EJ joked.

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