Chapter 40

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Chresanto put the address into the GPS, and followed the directions until he got to his destination. He parked his car in front of the house, and sat there in silence for awhile, contemplating on what to say. As he got out the car he decided to just wing it. He rang the doorbell, and a little girl answered it.

"Hello," a little girl said cheekily.

"Hi," Chres responded with a smile, "How are you?"

"Good," she responded.

Chresanto chuckled a bit, "That's good. What's your name?"


As Chresanto was about to respond a voice was heard from inside.

"Lia who's at the door?" Christian said as he walked up behind her.

He looked up and saw Roc at the door.

"Lia, go back to mama," Christian said cautiously.

Chresanto watched as the little girl went back inside, "I'm not here to hurt anyone."

"How did you find out where I was staying?"

"Dinah told me, look I came to apologize. I'm sorry for acting the way I did. I shouldn't have punched you."

"Is this Dinah's doing, or did you really want to apologize?" Christian questioned.

"A little bit of both."

"It's cool dude. No hard feelings."

"Really? Cool!"


They both kind of just stood at the door in silence.

"Do you wanna come in? Meet my family and have something to eat?" Christian offered.

"Uh, sure," Chresanto said as he entered the house, "So who was the little girl who answered the door?"

"My sister, she's the last out of 16 kids," he said nonchalantly.

"16! Well damn."

"Yeah, we get that reaction a lot. But then people hear that my great aunt had 21," he replied with a laugh.

"Twenty what now?"

"21, kids," Christian confirmed.

"Well that's just... Wow."

"I know," Christian said with a chuckle

Chresanto took a seat at the table as Christian got some drinks and snacks, and turned the tv on. They hung out the rest of that night until Christian's mother said it was time for everybody, who lived there, to go to bed. In actuality it was just a euphemism for, I want to kick you out, but I'm nicer than to say that. Chresanto left for home and ended the day on a good note.

A/N: Since this is so short, stay tuned for another update later today😉

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