Chapter 39

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The next day Dinah went back to his apartment with an offer. When she knocked on the door, it immediately opened, and he gave her a big smile. She smiled back, still not quite sure how she gained his forgiveness so quickly.

What she did was terrible, and beyond forgiveness, yet he forgave her. She knew she couldn't have done that if the roles were reversed

"Hey D," he said as he pecked her lips and lead her in.

They sat on the couch and she leaned her head on his shoulder. He tensed up, she immediately knew that he may have forgiven her, but he still wasn't at all to comfortable with it.



"I feel guilty."

"Don't, the past is in the past," said as he kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arm, "Just don't do it again. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"But that doesn't make me feel any less guilty. I just won't feel any less guilty until you do something with another girl."

Chresanto gave Dinah a shocked expression.

"You want me to cheat on you," He said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, just so we're even."

"I don't think so."

"For why? I hate feeling this guilt, and I know I deserve it, but it doesn't feel good. If you did I wouldn't feel so bad..." she said as she looked down, "And you probably wouldn't feel so uncomfortable around me..." she mumbled.

"What? Who said I was uncomfortable around you?"

"Oh come on Chres, nobody has to tell me anything. You tense up whenever were together; you never used to do that."

"Look D, the past is in the past. We BOTH just need to forget about it. There's no way in hell I'm gonna go kiss another girl. Not just because that's wrong, but also because I definitely don't want you feeling the same way I was feeling when I saw that thing between you and Ronnie go down. I only kiss girls I love. And I love you, and only you," he said as he leaned down and kissed her.

She smiled into the kiss, knowing that even after everything she did he didn't want revenge of any sorts. That he loved her, after everything that went down. When they separated he smiled, got up, and took her hand in his, "Come on, lets go do something."

"Like what?" She asked as she got up.

They walked over to the door and exited the apartments.

"I don't know. Whatever you want. I just wanna be with you," he said.

"Well I don't know what to do," Dinah said as she followed him to his car.

"Well lets go to the beach," he offered.

She smiled, "Ok."

They drove to the beach, and spent a large portion of the day there. They talked as they played in the sand. They became kids again, building sand castles, burying the other in the sand, playing tag. But things went 0 to 100 real quick when this happened.

"Dinah?!" Someone said.

Both Dinah and Chresanto turned their heads in the direction of the voice.

"Dinah Jane! It really is you. How have you been?" The person said again.

Dinah squinted as she tried to concentrate on the face.

"Christian? Christian Tekurio, is that you?" She said as she got up to greet him.

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