Chapter 7: Prussia

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How to get kicked out of Walmart

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia all rights go to their owner and so is the list of 333 Ways to get kicked out of Walmart.

Number 22:

Test the fishing rods and see what you can "Catch" from the other aisles

Victim: Prussia

"So France, Spain oont my Little Frau" Prussia began grinning deviously "Vhat makes you zink you zree can hafe fun behind The Avezome Prussia's back?"

Prussia glared at the so called three friends of his. They all grinned sheepishly, their back facing each other. Eclipsia, France and Spain all were currently tied up together by a very angry Prussian in front of them. How did this happen? Well...


Prussia strutted down the halls of the World meeting Building, his ego was big as usual and he felt awesome as always. But he frowns. He hasn't seen France, Spain or his new friend Eclipsia for weeks now. In fact he hasn't seen them since America started doing this "getting kicked out of Walmart". Suspicious.

Very Suspicious.

Prussia snorted, 'Like de'll leave me out of all de fun'

Unfortunately his suspicions were confirmed by a certain micro-nation. Prussia stopped by the door and listen to the little micro-nation in wonder of what he was speaking about. He pressed his ear to the door and hears Sealand began to chatter nonstop but unfortunately Prussia couldn't hear very well behind the locked door. "Spain...Walmart" then "Eclipsia...hostess" and lastly" France...kicked out"

Prussia chuckled darkly

~~~~ And Now

"Okay fine Prussia you can get kicked out of Walmart next" Eclipsia pouted not liking being tied up" The next assignment is on that fishing pole"

Prussia walks over to the pole and reads a note attached to it. He smirks and lets out a "keseseese".

"Zis eez too eazy for the avezome Prussia!"


Prussian walks, more like swagger, into Walmart full confidante that he'll be kicked out. After all if Japan could than so could he! Prussia chuckled silently as he grabs a ladder from the House Fixing Department, 'Valmart I, ze Avezome Prussia vill take over your vital regions!'

And with that Prussia climbed the ladder and onto the shelves. Laughing to himself, he swings the rod back and then lets the line fly~! Somewhere in Walmart a customer is enjoying a burger from the indoor McDonalds and when I mean customer I mostly mean Alfred dressed up as a bald guy.

"Oh burger I love you soo much~" Alfred licked his lips and opened his mouth.



"Keseseses" Prussia laughed" I got a burger? Che, I can get zomething better! Zomething vorthy of my avezomenezz!"

And so Prussia did. Infact other being just super awesome and showing it he found soemthing else to enjoy.

The joys of fishing in Walmart!

But sadly the poor Prussian couldn't find any these were his other catches:

A Prom dress

A poster of Justin Beiber

The new Nintendo DS

Someone's pants

French maid dress

A wig

An Apple Phone

And the security guards keys

Then Finally as if Prussia lost all hope of finding the perfect thing to show his awesomeness he finally found it! He pulls back the casting line of the fishing pole and reeled it in. He grunts from its heaviness and grins. 'Zis MUST be the avezome thing I've been vaiting for!' Prussia thought reeling the object in as fast as he could. As he did he pulled it up and found...a satchel!

"Hey a satchel!" Prussia grinned and slung it around his shoulder, "Hm I make it look good too!Just zhowz my hotnezz eez unbeatable!"


Huh? Prussia looked down to see an old lady smiling up at him

"Sonny if I were you I would give back this old woman back her purse" the old lady said kindly

"Purze?"Prussia shook his head laughing "Sorry Frau but thiz eez a STACHEL!And I won't giving it up!"

The old lady frowned and sighed "I see, I guess we have to do this the hard way then, dear"

Hard way?

-Five minutes later

"AUGHHH! I GIfE UP! I GIfE UP YOU WIN!"Prussia cried out in pain. His arm was twisted back from a very strong iron grip from the old lady.

The old lady frowns and pulled Prussia by the ear "I ain't letting you off the hook this easy! You were a bad boy, Bobby!BAD!BAD! Wait till we go home! You'll get a good spankin!"


~!~!~!~!~!Extended Ending

"Ah Mon amour why are you pouting?"

"'Oh mi friend" Eclipsia sighed"I'm sad"

"Por que mi hermosa?" Spain asked

"Well for starters...THAT DUMBASS LEFT US TIED UP!"


Swiss: Wasn't Prussia supposed to be at chapter 22?

Ling:Yes he was, but mistress is more nicer today so she let us skip all the way to him today.

Swiss:That or she's lazy-ow!

Ling:Mistress please don't throw lava lamps at Switzerland!

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