Chapter 2: Romano

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Disclaimer:I do NOT own Hetalia nor the reader just this story thingy

Number 2:

Draw mustaches on pictures and mannequins.

"Lovi I'm SO bored!" _ whined to her Italian friend Lovino.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?"Lovino said annoyed.

"Let's do something fun!" _ suggested. Lovino rolled his olive green eyes. Of course now his big problem was HOW to find something fun for you. His eyes looked around _'s room for inspiration till it landed on her laptop. A chain e-mail was open with something that stood out to the Italian.

Lovino looked up at the excited girl.

"Getting kicked out of Walmart better make you shut up"

~In Walmart~

"_ giggled as Lovino snapped at her to be quiet. Not to attract attention the two split up with their permanent markers. Lovino headed towards photo and art section and _ towards the clothing aisle.

Then began the plan.

_ started to draw mustaches and weird designs on the mannequins happily. People near by gave her weird and what-the-hell looks as they passed by.

_ was busying herself by drawing mustaches on the mannequins that she didn't notice the security guards chasing Lovino down.

"_ hurry we have to g-" Lovino was cut off by something wet that went across his mouth. The smell clinched the theory.

_ mouth hanged in embarrassment and urge to resist the laughter.



"YOU TWO OUT!" The security guards dragged the raging Lovino and apologizing _ out.

Extended ending

"Lovi-kins I'm so sorry!"_ said to Lovino who furiously scrubbed his face with soap and water. "I didn't mean to put a mustache on your face with a permanent marker honest!"

" L'inferno non è stato! Maledetto donna! " Lovino cursed in Italian.(1)

Permant Marker is hard to get off. Too bad to get rid of it was on sale in Walmart.


(1)The hell you didn't! You damn woman!

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