Chapter 3: France

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Disclaimer:I do NOT own Hetalia nor the reader just this story thingy.

Claimer: But I do own this story thingy and credits to my friend on Quizilla who helped me write this.

Idea by MadamEaliFey and story written by me


Number 3:

Dress in a trench coat and say to a random customer who's browsing "The rooster is in the nest" wait for a reply and hand them a cap gun and say use this wisely, but in France's case

Victim: France

America gave France and England unsure glances. England grew irritated at the blond nation and glared at him to hurry up. France was too busy thinking about the hot girl he saw a while ago. 'That girl with beautiful long _ , full pink lips, those sexy-' France thoughts were interrupted by America finally making his decision.

"Okay France you're going to do this!"

"What your letting toad breath here to do this instead of me?" England yelled furious.

"Cause this would be wayyy better if he did this Iggy!" America said

"Qui? What am I doing?" France asks

America just grins passing him a piece of paper his friend _ had on her computer. France reads the paper and a large grin appeared. England rolled his eyes in annoyance.

He's just jealous of ya France :P

"France you there over" America says in the micro ear piece.

« positifs " France says reading a magazine trying to look casual in the store.

"France remember you must get kicked out of Walmart! That's the objective! Over!" America says seriously.

From the back France hears England yell at America of how he can be serious about getting kicked out of Walmart but not at meetings?

France looks at pedestrians then shakes his head. Finally he makes his move on the unsuspecting poor _ who was looking for hair shampoo.

Scooting over to her trying to make it look like if he was looking for hair shampoo trying to blend in. Women gave him suspicious looks before passing in the aisle. France looks both ways before whispering in only _ can hear.

"The Rooster is in the nest" France said returning to his magazine

_ blinked before saying "Wait what?"

France reaches inside his trench coat before giving her something wrapped in a white handkerchief he leaned down saying "Use this wisely mademoiselle~"

Before walking off. _ unwraps it and faints on the floor face flushed red.

Instead of giving her a cap gun he gave her one of his 'infamous' toys. Before France knew it he was being chased down by older women and security guards and "oh so kindly" escorted out of Walmart for good.

But in France's case a cap gun he won't use.

Authors note





France you perv :P

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