Leisbeth von Enamen reigns.

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Leisbeth von Enamen was the first Empress in all of Raisptheim, even the rebels from Kaisptheim bowed to her, though she believe only in herself as a mere god does not drive her but herself, she is pure Qwarztian born in Uzbekistheim though the culture when she reigned was inspired by Adalgiso but have excluded gods from their culture she did not tamper anyone's religion, this though was only secret to her followers.

She is also the same person who proposed of turning Uzbekistheim an empire, and contribution minimally to the QWR and added ranks from Cicin to Dodecament only. She has a husband and her daughter who she and her husband once sworn to turn her heir to the title of Empress, Leisbeth was not only respected but feared in Alpheidemes and in Apokolich because she has taken back everything the Kauserian Legion took from them, she is also a warmaiden and the firstest Empress to ever have encountered the divine beings known as Seraphims though many versions of the story revolve around this story.

She had also unlocked supernatural abilities from her encounter of that seraphim, and she figured out that she could give it as a gift to the soldier's in the QWR but there was a small problem. These powers choosed it's owner and it caused the soldiers to be discourage to fight in her name if they could not obtain the power, because of this the QWR was almost disbanned, but then another diving being came down to offer her a message and it was a divine Qwarztian who had ascended to his full power and gave place upon a mark on her forehead as Leisbeth was resting her soul in bed with her Husband and Daughter, the mark symbolized a Corvus as the divine Qwarztian had told her "You shalt lead a world with the power of a thousandfold of thunder." as this was said in Mutmuul'tak's eyes she is now known as Lavender Qwarz as she reigned for more than ever until she had turned old and contribution many to the Qwarztian civilization.

Even in Elderhood Leisbeth stayed true but her husband had left her at this point while her daughter was under new care and now in education, due to her husband leaving her for another woman though her husband was only covetted he did not willingly wanted to be with her but what has happened Leisbeth cannot change it. These memories and the memories of her past was what haunted her the most she had wanted to given it up all but she remember the divine mark and continued until her true day of rest, whilst her daughter was already 19 years old at this very point she visited her mother but when visited she was not given permission by Leisbeth's Reich guards, as Leisbeth she was dying from a disease.

But Leisbeth's daughter told them that she was related to the Empress and quickly led her in, there she had saw her Leisbeth laying the divine bed. Leisbeth then saw this as her daughter came much closer Leisbeth cupped her daughter's cheek.
"I am sorry my child.. for I am unable to shield you.. what name did you want?" As she was birthed without a name in mind, her daughter then replied with a melancholic tone.
"I am Pastel now, mother." As tears chiseled down Pastel's cheek, with her mother's eyes closing and the final clash for breathe she had finally rested and sleeped eternally as Pastel's cried in horror as those nightmares of these moments haunted her forever

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