Chapter 2, Part 1: The Interrogation

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George stared at the bright lights of the room, mortified.

He didn't want to be there, obviously. 

He wanted to be at home, snuggled up in his bed with his cat.

However, the police seemed to have other plans.

He looked over to a new police officer with a blank expression, cold ad emotionless. He didn't know what to think or what to do. He was frozen.

"Now, George. Please, if you could tell me everything about tonight. The whole story, the whole scenario. Then, I want you to tell me everything you know about Matthew Doogie," a seemingly kind new officer looked his way, smiling. George somewhat warmed up to him. He figured that the officer was being kind to him because of him being a minor. If he was an adult, he figured he'd be treated a lot differently.

Even if that was the sole reason for his politeness, George didn't want to push against that. He was quite content with being talked to as if he was a child again. It didn't make him feel any less intimidated, but did help him to focus a little bit better. It took a little bit of the stress off.

"Well, I can tell you all that I know about what happened tonight," George said, looking up at the officer, gulping in nervousness.

"However," he stammered, "when it comes to all that I know about Matthew Doogie, I don't know awfully much, I'm afraid. I know that he's in the same grade as me and that we've shared a few classes together in the past. Science and something in the arts, I believe. Instrumental Music was the course. I know that he's kind of that class-clown sort of guy, but he seems quite harmless to me. I don't think he would be capable of summoning any forces, though, if that's what you're intending on asking me for. He seems like the kind of guy who would want to want to show that off to everyone around him if he really knew how to do it," he went on, not becoming anymore confident as he spoke. After a long pause and a jotting down of notes, the officer began to speak again.

"So, what you're telling me is that you have really no idea who Matthew Doogie is? Is that correct?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That's correct, sir."

"So, help me understand, then: how did you end up getting caught in Matthew's group?" he interrogated, losing his kind tone and transitioning to an angry, cold, and harsh voice.

"Oh, trust me, that's not his group. You see, none of us are actually friends, officer. We only know each other through taking same classes, or maybe some of the others know each other through mutual friends, I'm not really sure. We were only formally introduced to each other when we went to go to inspect that light together."

"And why did you decide to go to inspect this light? Did you not think that it could be a summoned force?"

"I mean, no, not really. It didn't even cross my mind, to be honest".

George continued to answer questions as the officer shot them at him, taking pauses to write key things down on occasion. Although George was nervous, he couldn't imagine how the others would be feeling in the rooms next to him, especially Matthew.

Matthew was interrogated the harshest out of the five. There was no politeness, no kindness, and no consideration of the fact that Matthew was just a kid. To the police, Matthew was a potential public hazard who needed to be shut down. There was no playing nice with him.

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