3- TommyInnit

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1- Tommy gets nervous around people wearing armor

2- he has a fear of bees, but tries to be brave around them so Tubbo can have fun

3- Tommy is a triplet- he had two sisters, Clementine and Clara. One time Tommy found a moth and Clementine kept trying to get him to name it after her. Clara loves space and wanted to become an astronaut. They both died along with his biological parents, so when he was put into foster care they told him that they were "astronauts flying around in space"

4- Every since being exiled, he is constantly apologizing for things even if it's not his fault

5- before being adopted by Phil, his parents would always tell him to speak up which is why he is so loud

6- he used to dress up in Techno's clothes when he was out, and got caught doing it a few times by Wilbur. Techno still doesn't know.

7- he was closer to technoblade, which caused him to feel guilty about Wilbur's death

8- Tommy really likes candles

9- Tommy constantly thinks that he did something bad, messed something up, or just ruined something every time he's with someone

10- he used to look up to Dream as an older brother

11- Tommy loves making people laugh

12- he loves to secretly paint

13- when Wilbur refused to teach him how to play the piano, Dream or Techno did (couldnt decide who)

14- Tommy hates how his laugh sounds, so Tubbo would try and laugh louder and more obnoxious than he would to make him feel better

15- whenever Tubbo slept over, Tommy would always have Wilbur and Techno build a fort and have pillow fights with them

16- he has adhd

17- (i saw this on tiktok) tommy would "run away" a lot but would come back at the end of the day to see if anybody ever noticed he was gone, but no one ever did

18- he's really good with kids, and ranboo and tubbo often asks him to watch michael when they're away

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