7- Tubbo

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1- he likes bees because once they hurt you they're gone forever

2- he used to make flower crowns for Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur when they were younger

3- he always freezes up when he hears loud noises

4- he is very protective over his friends and family

5- after Tommy finally told him what happened in exile, Tubbo was constantly by his side and trying to comfort him if he ever got a flashback or a panic attack

6- he loves fire and burning things

7- Tubbo broke his horns off in order to look less like Schlatt

8- Tubbo would play hopscotch with Jack and Niki

9- for his birthday, Tommy got them matching bee friendship bracelets

10- when he's stressed or just needs to get away he goes into the forest and just sits there for hours

11- he is deathly afraid of spiders

12- he eats his cereal (mainly Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch) with chocolate milk and refuses to eat it any other way. (try it, it's delicious.)

13- the reason he hates/cried while seeing the egg is because it showed him Tommys perspective while in exile

14- he has separation anxiety from Tommy so he carries around flowers in his pocket when he isn't around to attract the bees so they can keep him company

15- Tubbo has a fear of being abandoned from when he was left on the road side

16- Schlatt is Phil's brother which is why when his alcohol addiction got really bad he gave Tubbo over to him

17- another reason he loves bees is because they remind him of Tommy- his bright blonde (yellow) hair, his clinginess, he likes to stab (sting) things, and while some find him annoying Tubbo loves him :) (not a ship, as a friend ofc)

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