6- Technoblade

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1- Technoblade only allowed Wilbur to braid his hair

2- although he would never admit it, he's happy that Sam adopted Tommy (he felt as though Sam would be a better father to him than phil ever could)

3- his crown was given to him by Tommy for his tenth birthday (Tommy found it in the nether)

4- he originally had brown hair, but Tommy and Wilbur put pink hair dye in his shampoo, and he liked it so much that he dyed it permanently

5- he can shape-shift from a human to his Blood God form

6- he LOVES to read, like LOVES TO

7- he used to spar with Wilbur until Wilbur got seriously injured, so he then started sparring with Tommy

8- he used to play ice hockey, and he soon became immune to the cold

9- he thought of Phil more as a friend than a dad

10- he loves talking to Niki about true crime

11- he used to have a stash of candles in his room until Phil found out after Tommy dropped one

12- he used to fight with Sapnap, and he would say "I'm going to snapnap your neck."

13- growing up he loved Superman, which is why he wears a cape

14- Wilbur made him take the Pottermore test. he got slytherin.

15- although he will never admit it, he really enjoys his nephews (fundy) company

16- he goes by he/they pronouns

17- when the voices got too loud wilbur would braid techno's hair. one day wilbur wasn't there so tommy attempted to braid it. it turned out horrible which caused techno to laugh so hard that the voices went away.

18- he low key got jealous when tommy got closer to sam because he felt replaced

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