9- Dream

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1. Dream used a potion to make George sleep through all the events so he wouldn't know what Dream did

2. Tommy and Tubbo created a game where they would try to put stickers on his mask, the only person who managed to do that was George (Dream let him but he doesn't wanna ruin it for everyone)

3. he and Techno used to spar with each other when they were younger

4. he was a hockey player when he was younger

5- he used to make songs with wilbur when they were young

6- Dream used to let Puffy braid a strand of his hair in the back of his head (idk how to explain this one)

7- he hates corn. he just hates it and everyone judges him for it

8- he wanted Tommy to turn out to be like him, which is why he made him go through everything exile

9- at the beginning of the server Dream made a time capsule with George and Sapnap

10- he loved ducks when he was little, which is why Puffy called him her "little duckling"

11- he wears eyeliner

12- Drista made him dress up as a princess and attend tea parties with her when they were little (Puffy found this hilarious and has a ton of pictures)

13- his comfort place was the forest near Techno's cabin

14- his mask was made by Wilbur one year for Halloween. he loved it so much that he wore it everyday after that and nobody questioned him

15- he played "the floor is lava" all the time when he was a kid which is why he's so good at clutching

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