8- Ranboo

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1- Ranboo is Technoblade's biological cousin

2- when he gets nervous he starts talking in enchantment table

3- his eyes get irritated when he makes eye contact with people due to being half enderman

4- Ranboo forgot his family due to his memory

5- he can control the ender dragon which is why Dream banned being able to go there

6- Ranboo has trust issues from his memory loss

7- he actually met Tommy when they were kids and they became close. Tommy told Phil about it and Phil just thought it was an imaginary friend. Ranboo forgot about the friendship but Tommy never has

8- he dresses like a skater/alt boy. that's it. that's the head canon and you can't change my mind

9- he used to have anger issues growing up

10- he hates going outside in fear of getting hit with water, which is why he's always in his armor (same goes for Technoblade)

11- he spent days trying to find Tubbo's compass, forgetting that it was blown up by a charged creeper

12- growing up he had mainly girls for friends

13- he's amazing at archery, but nobody knows

14- Ranboo made board games with Techno when they were younger

15- he has lost his memory book multiple times, once by dropping it in water, once by misplacing it, and once by dropping it in Snowchester

Also- fuck my science teacher, she's a bitch and keeps emailing my dad about my missing work 🥰

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